Friday 4 August 2017

Forex P Pickling Paste Msds

En lnea Opções Binarias cordoba município em espaol HOPE Youth Corps HOPE Youth Corps (HYC) foi estabelecido em 1994 por HOPE em todo o mundo e um programa de aprendizagem baseado na fé para estudantes de secundaria e universitários. Trabalhar com os programas mundiales de HOPE em percursos em desenvolvimento e dentro dos Estados Unidos, os participantes de HYC sirven a comunidades de baixos recursos para os esforços de diversos esforços de programas de manutenção e comunidade. Os participantes em muitos sites internacionais de HYC han servido de innumerables maneras diferentes. Han vendido as heridas de pacientes com lepra, foram realizadas obras de rua sobre o HIV SIDA e a tuberculose, han cuidado a los nios infectados com o HIV, han limpiado e reparado orfanatos e clnicas, han donado sangre, distribuido alimentos e roupa. Y alent a los ancianos, los enfermos y los solitarios. En los ltimos aos, os voluntários em sites dos Estados Unidos trabalhou com estudantes desatendidos que viven em reas urbanas. Los voluntarios facilitan lecciones sobre o desenvolvimento do carcter, a resolucin de conflitos e a administração do meio ambiente. Estes projetos de mentora incluem atividades de formação de equipamentos e têm como objetivo ajudam os estudantes a entender o seu próprio potencial para triunfar, superar os temores e as dudas e fazer uma diferença nas comunidades próprias. Entre os muitos benefícios e os estudantes recebidos de participação em HYC são as amigas e memorias de vida, um prefeito de propsito, uma maior confiança em si mesmo e independência, e uma melhor compreensão do mundo moderno. Muitos de los que se oferecem como voluntários a travs de HYC se convierten en enfermeras, mdicos, maestros, consejeros, o trabajan con HOPE em todo el mundo e outras ONG para brindar a atenção e assistência necessária ao mundo em desenvolvimento. A travs de sus experiencias com HYC, os estudantes voluntários profundizan su compasin y obtient a profundo aprecio por lo que se os ha dado em sus propias vidas. Fundamentalmente, HOPE Youth Corps constrói uma futura geração de lderes que buscan melhorando as vidas dos necessitados. Ayudar a los pobres es parte de nosso cristianismo. Não é uma opção. Jess siempre está com os pobres. Estou convencido pela graça que vi as pessoas em HYC. Quiero ir em um equipamento de misin, tomar um risco e aprovar oportunidades para servir. No quiero arrepentimientos. Tambin quiero crecer em humildade a travs deste tipo de serviço. - Alexandro Holgun, Nuevo Mxico, EE. UU. Volv de HOPE Youth Corps inspirado para dar tudo em vida, para empujarme a hacer o melhor possível em todos os aspectos da vida. Decid que quera construir uma conexão com a vida e ajudar com outros. - Maydeline Suherlan, Indonésia. Maydeline fue bautizada nas pocas semanas despus de 2013 HYC de la India. Conctese con nosotros: HOPE em todo el mundo 8226 1285 Drummers Lane, Ste 105 8226 Wayne, PA 19087 8226 Telfono: 610-254-8800 8226 Fax: 610-254-8989 8226 hope. No mundo inteiro. Org HOPE em todo o mundo está de acordo com as multas de lucro 501 (c) 3 registrada. Todas as donaciones são deduzíveis de impostos em toda a extensa permitida por la ley. Nmero de identificação fiscal (EIN): 04-3129839 169 2016 HOPE em el mundo Todos os direitos reservados. USADO EST INVITADO a uma sesin de informacin de uma hora em 7 de abril. Para Padres e Estudiantes - estudantes de 9 e 10 grado (8 e 9) Sesin Informativa del Cuerpo Juvenil. 161Libera al lder en ti Jueves 7 de abril de 2016 7:00 - 8:00 p. M. Columbia Conference Center, 169 Laurelhurst Ave. Columbia, SC 29210 HAGA CLIC AQU para registro em lnea. Para os estudantes do 9º grau em condados de Richland e Lexington. 16 de abril de 2016 2:00 - 6:30 p. M. Bethel Camp Retreat Center 750 Boy Scout Rd. Gaston, SC 29053 10 por personagem (inclui camiseta, cookout e todas as atividades) O calendário de inscrição é o 11 de abril para The L Games. HAGA CLIC AQU para registro em lnea. HAGA CLIC AQU para o folheto em color. HAGA CLIC AQU para os formulários de inscripcin imprimíveis. Experiencia: 161Cmo es la diversin en la accin Retos escandalosos de liderazgo Youth Corps en una tarde 161Cookout, camiseta, e ms Inmersin polar opcional al final Aplicando para a classe 2016-17 Descubre lo que outros estudiantes destacados han experimentado. Un emocionante e cambiante 9 meses de treinamento para converter em um lder Você pode ser parte de Youth Corps para el ao ar livre 2016-17. Vaya a la pestaa Aplicar o clique no botão Aplicar a continuação para imprimir a aplicação. O Data Lmite para a Primeira Ronda de entrevistas é 31 de março e o 21 de abril para a prxima ronda de entrevistas. Slo se aceptan 36 estudiantes. Maestros e Lderes Comunitarios, por favor dirijan a sus estudiantes a este sitio web para que apliquem. Tambin se aceptan las nominaciones. Quais são os Estados Unidos, os atletas do exterior, os presidentes do corpo doente, os adolescentes do tablero, os capitanes do equipamento, e outros estudantes e estudantes universitários. Se Han Graduado do Corpo de Jovens Você nunca começa um entender cunto Este é o mesmo que o cambiado mi vida. Desde a parte superior de um poste telefônico até a visita de DJJ a iniciar meu próprio negócio, Corps de jovens definitivamente me ha sacado da zona de conforto. - V. Lockett 05 -06 Estudiante del Cuerpo Juvenil Minha experiência com Youth Corps se pode resumir em una palabra. INOLVIDÁVEL. - K. Yeh, Alumno del Cuerpo Juvenil, Graduado Valedictorian-Dreher H. S. Liderazgo Unleashed Su navegador não soporta a etiqueta de vdeo. Youth Corps é uma experiência de treinamento de liderança que mudou a vida de 36 estudantes de los grados 9 y 10 em los Midlands (condados de Richland e Lexington). A classe 2015-2016 começa em agosto de 2015 e termina em maio de 2016. Youth Corps agora está aceitando solicitações para a classe 2016-2017. En Youth Corps, os participantes experimentam nueve reas diferentes (mdulos) en las que ganham exposicin y oportunidad. Cada mdulo é liderado por lderes de la comunidad e durar um mes Os estudantes participantes em aproximadamente 12 horas por mes. En Youth Corps, você. Empieza seu próprio negócio Dirigir um projeto de serviço comunitário Ajuda nas suas vctimas de delitos Apoyar a legislativa na Casa Estatal Descubra as carreiras de seus cruzamentos Interactuar com o mundo do periodismo Adote habilidades de administração de dinheiro Explore as artes e a cultura 161Desarrolle como un Lder. E faça uma diferença em su comunidad Experimente agora estudantes de 9 e 10 grau (estudantes masculinos e femininos) para Corps de jovens para o ensino 2016-2017. No te pierdas la experiencia Não está em estado de moda agora e não fora por Cuerpo Juvenil. DJ. Estudiante do Curamento da Juventude, graduado recente da Universidade de Clemson Obrigado a nossos patrocinadores corporativos por su graça de apoio. La juventud em el desarrollo Capacitar com a propaganda generadora de cambiadores. Os voluntários trabalham com os jvenes nas comunidades em projectos que promovem a participação e a cidadania activa, inclusive a conscientização de gnero, a empregabilidade, a saúde e a educação sobre o HIV SIDA, a consciência ambiental, os programas deportivos e a tecnologia da informação. Juventud em el Desarrollo Oportunidades de Voluntariado Ver todas as aperturas de Voluntariado por pass e calificaciones. Cmo pode ser un joven em desenvolvimento Voluntario avançar minha carreira A travs de servir como Voluntario do Cuerpo de Paz, você pode ganhar fluidez em un idioma estrangeiro, experiência internacional e entendimento intercultural, atributos que são ativos altamente procurados na economia global de hoje. Experiência como voluntário do Cuerpo de Paz, com a Agencia dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, o Departamento de Saúde e Serviços Humanos dos Estados Unidos e muitas empresas privadas e organizações não governamentais que Buscan individual con habilidades nicas. Averige cmo los Voluntarios do Curamento de Paz devueltos receberam as vantagens no emprego federal. Ltima atualizacin 02 de setembro de 2015 En lnea consiga as estafas ricas do esquema 302 millones: Ministerio de Taiwn TAIPEI, Taiwn - Cuerpo da juventude da divisa. Uma plataforma de jogos de guerra em lnea, se revel ayer como un complicado fraude segn a Oficina de Investigação da Cidade de Taipei do Ministério de Justiça (MOJ), e você tem informado de que ha estafado al menos NT 7 mil millones (302 Milhões). O escritório de inquérito informou sobre um homem de apellido Wu, que se llamaba Optimus Prime, um personaje da franquicia de Transformers, desde março. Wu escreve seus próprios programas de plugins de jogos em lnea, e é comercializado como distribuidor profissional de divisas para formar o Forex Youth Corps. Por favor, pergunte-me sobre as promoções em grupos de Facebook e através de vendas diretas que se reúnem à plataforma obtendra ganancias de alto desempenho. O esquema de obter-rico atrajo a estudiantes e jvenes com geralmente nenhuma experiencia. Las estafas alcançaron por lo menos NT 7 mil milhões. Outros mtodos que o grupo de estafa tentam compartilhar informacin sobre os estilos de vida de luxo e experiências de usar a plataforma em Facebook, que van desde viajar ao estrangeiro a comprar carros de carreras de alto preço e motocicletas. Wu y sus cmplices, em torno de 10 pessoas em total, iniciaram o programa em 2012 e organizaram seminarios de inversão nas principais cidades de Taiwn, oferecendo aos asistentes o uso do programa de comércio de depsitos forex. A los asistentes se os garantizaba que ganaran rpidamente del 5 al 8203820310 de los beneficios com cada operacin. Os asistentes que ms tarde se convirtam em membros das plataformas de jogos de guerra em lua foram, sem embargo, em uma sorpresa como Wu e sua plataforma nunca com o estado vinculado aos mercados de comércio de divisas. O grupo de estafadores evita a investigação em viagens de compra de unidades de luxo sob diferentes nomes, ou a compra de carros de carreras em reembolso por meio de contratos internacionais, empresas registradas em empresas contratadas. NYSC, Bank of Industry firman un memorando de entendimento sobre desenvolvimento de recursos emprendedoras El Cuerpo Nacional de Serviço Juvenil (NYSC) e o Banco da Indústria (BOI) han firmado un Memorando de Entendimento (MoU) sobre o desenvolvimento do empreendimento empresarial para os Membros do corpo. El pacto ver um BoI entrenar e empoderar nos membros do corpo em várias vocações e darles prstamos sin garanta como capital e expansão de iniciativas empresariais. La jefa de BoI, a Sra. Evelyn Oputu, que estava na firma do MoU junto ao Diretor Geral da NYSC, General de Brigada Johnson Olawunmi em Abuja el martes 21 de 2014, descrevendo os jvenes nigerianos como extremadamente talentosos e merecedores de apoio. Segn ella, a associação com uma experiência de várias disciplinas, contos como habilidades empresárias de aprendizagem do comércio para os que são bons em negociar como como esportes entre outras disciplinas. Los entrenaremos na aquisição de habilidades. Sabemos que no todo el mundo tem a capacidade de aprender habilidades empresariales, alguns são as habilidades para fazer negócios, alguns son buenos en ingeniera y pueden transformar las reas vitales en nuestro pas porque pueden ayudar a transformar las carreteras. Tambin, aqueles em que estão envolvidos em esportes. Banco de Indústria é tratando de fazer uma academia de futebol e balanços, disse, que é a que é a empresa que é a empresa que é a empresa de formação. El NYSC D. G, Brigadeiro Gen Olawunmi, disse que é a associação de criar a confiança nos jvenes nigerianos. Tambin disse que o pacto entre NYSC e BoI ajuda a desenvolver os mandatos do NYSC que inclui um inculcar os valores da autosuficiência nos membros do corpo e jengibre a contribuir com a cuota para o crescimento da economia nacional. O pacto tambin foi atestiguado pela Diretora, Adquisição de Habilidades e Desenvolvimento Empresarial (SAED), a Sra. Mary Danabia. Os comerciantes de Forex que começam e se transformam em xito O comércio de divisas, conhecido como forex trading para abreviar, é todo sobre a compra e venda de monedas de diferentes partes do mundo para obter um benefício. Os operadores de Forex obtêm beneficios da empresa. Primero, comprando uma moeda e a venda quando o valor é aumentado. Segundo, vendido uma moeda e a compradora quando su preço ha bajado. A maioria dos comerciantes pode acessar o mercado de divisas em lnea, lo que significa que pode ser negociado em monedas de qualquer parte do mundo. Este mercado tambin es de fcil acesso, você está disponível cinco das y por semana. Segn un comerciante em MTrading. In. Es fcil de entender os diversos conceitos de forex e ms fcil de começar com uma vez que se entiende. Opina que os comerciantes ms jvenes se sienten atrados pelo comércio de divisas simplesmente porque é fcil de entender. De facto, vários comerciantes da parte superior de divisas começam jovens. Buena Patria de Indonésia se insira no comércio de divisas na idade de 14 aos. Empez a leer sobre o por inters, mas pronto se apasion por el mercado. Hoy en da, l opera onsite web do comércio de divisas que oferecem informações sobre o comércio de divisas e outros temas relacionados com as finanzas que le interessan. Apesar de todava ser um estudante na escola secundária, quer ir à universidade no Reino Unido e obter um ttulo em finanzas o economa. Patria tambin é membro de un portal forex, que permite a comerciantes e inversionistas jvenes criar a comunidade financeira entre os jvenes. O portal tambin tem como objetivo oportunidades comerciais e inversão. Milan Cutkovic, de Suiza, outro membro do portal, tambin começa a operar a los 14 aos. Hoy em dia, é um comerciante ativo, centralizado no comércio a curto prazo. L tambin opera un sitio web, na plataforma informativa valiosa do comércio de divisas e compara as opiniões sobre o mercado e experiências comerciais. Vale la pena ouvir, você tem ganhado muitas experiências valiosas e tambin ha estudiado economa empresarial. Outro comerciante jovem da divisa digno de menção é Josh Olfet. Un inversionista e um empresário residentes em Canad. Comenz a operar a la edad de 15 at e hoy es muy exitoso no comércio de ações, materias primas e divisas. El hecho de que as pessoas tan jvenes como a aventura. Pode-se construir um inters no comércio e realmente emocionante. Tambin indica que podes aprender sobre o comércio de divisas, sempre e quando somos apasionados de fazer ganancias financieras. ALERTA DE ACCIONISTAS: El bufete de abogados de Pomerantz lembrou-se dos accionistas com prdidas em su inversão em CTI BioPharma Corp. de demandada colectiva e 8230 NUEVA YORK, 27 de Fevereiro de 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) 8212 Pomerantz LLP anuncia que se ha presentado Uma demanda colectiva contra CTI BioPharma Corp. (CTI BioPharma o la Compaa) (NASDAQ: CTIC) e alguns de funcionários. A demanda colectiva, presente no Tribunal de Distrito dos Estados Unidos, Distrito Oeste de Washington, e radicada sob 16-cv-00216, é o nome de uma classe que consta de todas as pessoas ou entidades que compram os valores de CTI BioPharma : (Denominado em Conjunto da Declaração de Registro) emitido em relacin com a oferta pblica da Compaa em 24 de setembro de 2015 (a pedido) Y o (2) entre o 4 de março de 2014 e 9 de Fevereiro de 2016 , Inclusive (o Periodo de la Clase). Esta compilação busca recuperar daos contra os Demandados por presuntas violações das leis federais de valores sob a Lei de Intercambio de Valores de 1934 (a Lei de Intercambio). Você é um agente que compre os valores de CTI BioPharma durante o Perodo de Clase, tem até o 11 de abril de 2016 para solicitar a Corte o design como Demandante Principal para a classe. Se pode obter uma cópia da queja em pomerantzlaw. Com. Para discutir esta acin, pngase en contacto com Robert S. Willoughby en rswilloughbypomlaw. Com o 888.476.6529 (o 888.4-POMLAW), sin carga, ext. 9980. A los que pregunten por correio electrnico se os pesquisa Descrição detalhada de correspondência postal, nmero de telfono e nmero de ações compradas. CTI BioPharma es uma empresa biofarmacutica que oferece serviços de investigação e tratamento médico e medicamentos para diversos tipos de cncer. Uno dos produtos de tubera ms avançados da empresa foi o pacritinib, um tratamento para a mileofibrosis. El 24 de setembro de 2015, CTI BioPharma cotiz uma oferta de 10.000.000 de ações, um preço de 1,57 por accin. La Demanda alega que durante todo o Perodo de Clase, os Demandados hicieron declaraciones falsas y o engaosas, como como não revelaram hechos adversos materiais sobre os negócios, operações e prospectos da Compaa. Específicamente, os Demandados hicieron declarações falsas você não é revelado: (1) que o pacritinib fue atribuído como causa potencial na morte e lesões de vários pacientes (2) que os ensayos clnicos da Compaa revelam os perigos do uso de pacritinib ( 3) que a nova candidatura da Compaa de pacritinib provavelmente se retirara (4) que, como tal, os ingresos futuros da Compaa estavam deteriorados (5) que a Compaa careca de controles internos adequados Y (6) que, como resultado de Anterior, os estados financeiros da Compaa e as declarações de Demandados sobre os negócios, as operações e os prospectos de CTI BioPharma foram materialmente falsos e engaños em todos os momentos relevantes. O 8 de Fevereiro de 2016, CTI BioPharma emitiu um comunicado de imprensa anunciando um controle clnico parcial ha sido colocado em pacritinib pela Administrativa de Alimentos e Drogas de Estados Unidos (FDA). Bajo el asimiento clnico da FDA, a Compaa no puede inscribir a nuevos pacientes ou iniciar pacritinib como un tratamento inicial o cruzado, y (ii) os pacientes que toman pacritinib não derivado benefício despus de 30 semanas de tratamento com pacritinib debes parar pacritinib. Revel que en su notificacin escrita, a FDA cit a las razones da retenção clnica parcial que identifica os próximos problemas de segurança mortes e potencialmente mortes em pacientes tratados com pacritinib: insuficiencia cardiaca, hemorragia, incluindo hemorragia intracraneal y Arritmias incluindo muerte sbita e la FDA Tambin ha notado el exito de mortalidad em pacientes tratados com pacritinib en comparativo com o controle de ensaio clínico PERSIST-1 avaliar pacritinib. En esta noticia, as ações de CTI BioPharma cayeron 0,68 dlares por accin, o ms del 60 para cerrar em 0,44 dlares el 8 de febrero de 2016, em volume inusualmente pesado. O 9 de fevereiro de 2016, a Compaa emitiu o comunicado de imprensa anunciando a FDA com um controle completo sobre o pacritinib. En esta noticia, as ações da Compaa cayeron ms de 40 durante a negociação intrada do 10 de Fevereiro de 2016, sobre um volume inusualmente pesado de ms de 15 milhões de ações. La Firma Pomerantz, con oficinas em Nueva York, Chicago, Flórida e Los Ngeles, é reconhecida como uma das principais firmas em reas de litigios corporativos, de valores e antimonopolio. Fundada por el fallecido Abraham L. Pomerantz, conhecido como o decano da barra de acusação da classe, a Firma Pomerantz foi pionera no campo das ações de classe de valores. Hoy, ms de 80 aos desprezados, a Firma Pomerantz contina na tradição que estabeleceu, luchando pelos direitos das vítimas do fraude de valores, incumplimiento de obrigações fiduciárias e mala conduta corporativa. La firma tem recuperado vários prémios multimilionários por daos e perjuicios em nome dos membros da classe. Ver pomerantzlaw. Com ICBC, CITIC Início Serviços de Forex El Banco Industrial e Comercial de China (ICBC) e o Banco Industrial CITIC começaram a oferecer serviços de divisões limitados ao 1 de abril, informam as pessoas diárias em 2 de abril de 2002. La extensin de los servicios De divisas a los novos bancos, a fim de um monopolio de dez aos serviços contábeis pelo Banco de China (BOC) estatal. Os novos serviços de divisas de ICBC estão limitados a 14 categorias de solicitações nacionais para propsitos, além de viagens no exterior e estudos em el extranjero, disse o jornal. Um total de 64 sucursales do banco em Pequim e as provincias de Fujian, Zhejiang e Jiangsu, o setor de serviço, segn el informe. CITIC Banco Industrial está oferecendo serviços de divisas em Pequim, Fuzhou, Hangzhou e Nanjing, disse o Beijing Youth Daily. CITIC Industrial Bank é uma filial de China International Trust Investment Corp, que possui o 55,08 por cento de CITIC Ka Wah Bank, como como 28,4 por cento de HIC CITIC Pacific Ltd. A extensa dos serviços de divisas nacionais a Os dois bancos foram uma resposta à nova competência dos bancos estrangeiros que oferecem serviços de divisas limitadas, disse o Beijing Youth Daily. El mes pasado, as sucursais de Citibank e Citibank do Banco de Ásia Oriental Ltd de Citigroup Inc receberam licenças para provar serviços de moeda estrangeira a cidadãos chinos. As sucursais de bancos estrangeiros anteriores foram limitadas a transacções em moeda estrangeira e as extranjeras situadas na região continental. Sin embargo, os acordos da Organização Mundial do Comércio da China, o que é obrigatório para abrir gradualmente no setor financeiro e para a competição externa aos finais de 2006. Um membro do corpo da juventude muri na violação da convenção legislativa celebrada no estado de Rivers el Fin de semana, anunciou o Cuerpo Nacional de Serviços Juveniles (NYSC). Em uma declaração declarada pela diretriz de NYSC el lunes pela noite, o nome da vctima foi dado como Okonta Dumebi Samuel com o número de corpo RV 15B 5539. Okonta, un hurfano, foi asesinado por pistoleros desconhecido em Ahoada West LGA. Outros dos membros do corpo com o momento do incidente escaparam da escena com a ajuda de agentes de segurança, agregue o comunicado. Okonta, que sirvi en el GCSS Ukpeliede, foi descrito como um jovem patriótico por a gerência de NYSC que disse que é assassinato de época primitiva, brbaro e impo e deba ser condenado por todos os nigerianos bien intencionados. Se compromete um trabalho com os conceitos em matéria de engenharia civil com os autores da estaçao 8221 Son pescadas e hechas para fazer frente à ira completa da lei. Consideramos a morte de Okonta Samuel como uma gran prdida, não slo para su familia inmediata, sino tambin para todos nós na família NYSC y la nacin entera, 8222 Aadi el comunicado. En un desarrollo muy alegre, outro membro do corpo, Anana Aniekan Udoetor, que informam o ex de desaparecidos, ha sido encontrado e sano e abundante, disse a NYSC. Um total de 6880 membros da NYSC sirvet durante as malditas encuestas de repetição. En 2011, novos membros do corpo que sentaram como pessoal ad hoc, foram matados por os alborotadores que protestaban o resultado da encuesta presidencial. Las vctimas foram: Teidi Tosin Olawale (estado de Kogi, BSc informtica) Nkwazema Anslem Chukwunonyerem (estado de Imo, HND ingeniera electrnica elctrica), Okpokiri Obinna Michael (Abia estado, BSc gestin ambiental), Adowei Elliot (Bayelsa estado, BSc informtica) Y Adewunmi Seun Paul (Ekiti estado, BSc, ciências sociais). Outros foram: Adeniji Kehinde Jehleel (estado de Osun, BSc banca y finanzas), Gbenjo Ebenezer Ayotunde (estado de Osun, BSc, economia da educação), Ukeoma Ikechukwu Chibuzor (estado de Imo, BSc microbiologa mdica) e Akonyi Ibrahim Sule ( Kogi State, HND business administracin). Copyright 2016 TheCable. O permiso para usar as citas de este artculo concede sujeito a um crdito apropriado dado um thecable. Ng como la fuente. Qu es Youth Corps Youth Corps é um programa estatal para ajudar as pessoas de 16 a 25 anos de idade, que queren completar a educação secundária e obter a experiência no serviço comunitário. Patrocinado pelo Colégio Comunitário do Condado de Campus Trenton del Mercer, o Corpo de Jovens do Trenton se encontra no Campus Trenton. Las horas son de lunes a viernes, 8: 30-3: 30. Mediante uma combinação de classes para a prova de GED e o serviço comunitário, os membros de Youth Corps adquieren os conhecimentos e recursos necessários para encontrar emprego remunerado, capacitacin laboral o Matricularse en educacin post-secundaria. Asesoramento pessoal e profissional gua a los estudiantes na solução de problemas que podem ter obstaculizado o xito no passado. Os sites de trabalho do Serviço Comunitário são designados para desenvolver as habilidades de empregabilidade, trabalho em equipo e compromisso. Os sites de trabalho estão orientados a projectos e incluem renovação urbana, renovação e construção, paisajismo, embellecimento de parques, cuidados de nios e ancianos, serviço hospitalario o apoio administrativo e administrativo para organizações de projetos. Os estudantes elegíveis possuem um certificado de criação e um cartão de seguro social (firmado). Cada estudante potencial deve completar uma visita em pessoa e ser entrevistado por um membro do pessoal. Parecer informativo: Corvena Francis-Denton Directora Asociada de Educacin franciscmccc. Edu Trenton, NJ 08628, llame al (609) 570-3153. Campus del oeste de Windsor 1200 Old Trenton Road West Windsor, NJ 08550 Trenton Campus 102 N. Broad Street Trenton, NJ 08608 Centro de Conferências em Mercer Kelsey Theatre WWFM A Rede Clássica Ofertas de trabalho em Mercer Oportunidades de Fornecedores Pgina Principal Estudiantes Futuros Estudiantes Actuales Sobre De MCCC Academics Serviços para Estudiantes Cursos de No Crdito Educacin Continua Negocios Comunidade de Formação MyMercer Copyright y copia 2016, Colegio Comunitário do Condado de Mercer. Todos os direitos reservados. Draghi lamenta el desempleo juvenil e apunta o dedo aos países Primeiro site de notícias do comércio de divisas Fundada em 2008, ForexLive. É o primeiro lugar de notícias do comércio de divisas que tem comentários, opiniões e análises interessantes para os verdadeiros profissionais do comércio de divisas. Obtenga as ltimas noticias de troca de divisas e atualizações atuais dos comerciantes ativos diariamente. As publicações do blog de ForexLive. Com cuentan con anlisis tcnicos de vanguardia, conselhos de administração, análise de divisas e tutoriais de negociação de pares de divisas. Descubra cmo aprovar as ascilações nos mercados de divisas globais e ver nosso anlisis de notícias de divisas em tempo real e as reações às notícias do banco central, os indicadores econômicos e os eventos mundiales. 2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t) ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: O comércio de divisas conlleva no alto nível de risco que pode não ser adequado para todos os inversores. O apalancamento cria um risco adicional e uma exposição de prdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere os objetivos de inversão, nível de experiência e tolerância ao risco. Você não pode perder a totalidade de sua inversão. Infravermelho sobre os riscos associados com o comércio de divisas e empresas de consultoria de consultoria financeira ou fiscal independente e tem alguma pergunta. AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE 8482 fornecendo referencias e enlaces a blogs selecionados e outras fontes de informática econômica e de mercado como um serviço educativo para clientes e prospectos e não respalda as opiniões dos conselhos dos blogs u outras fuentes de informacin. Se você está procurando por usuários, por favor, entre em contato com as opiniões e anlisis que se oferece em blogs em outras fontes de informática no contexto da análise, individual e a tomada de decisões do cliente. Ninguno de blogs e outras fontes de informática devem considerar como um historial. O desempenho passado não é garanta de resultados futuros e FOREXLIVE 8482 aconselha especficamente a clientes e prospectos revisa todas as reivindicações e representações hechas por asesores, blogueiros, administradores de dinheiro e vendedores de sistemas antes de investigar fundos ou abrir uma conta com qualquer distribuidor de Forex. Qualquer opinião, opinin, investigacin, datos u otra informacin contenida en este sitio web se fornecem como um comentário geral do mercado e não é um conselho de inversão ou comercializacin. FOREXLIVE 8482 renuncia expressamente a qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer medida de capital o beneficios sin limitacin que pode derivar direto ou indiretamente do uso de confiança na informação informada. Al igual que com todos estes serviços de consultoria, os resultados anteriores nunca são uma garanta de resultados futuros. Cmo ver Touch Clique em qualquer lugar para cerrar Banco de dados e fundos de cobertura do continente USD CAD Primeiro site de notícias do comércio de divisas Fundada em 2008, ForexLive. É o primeiro lugar de notícias do comércio de divisas que tem comentários, opiniões e análises interessantes para os verdadeiros profissionais do comércio de divisas. Obtenga as ltimas noticias de troca de divisas e atualizações atuais dos comerciantes ativos diariamente. As publicações do blog de ForexLive. Com cuentan con anlisis tcnicos de vanguardia, conselhos de administração, análise de divisas e tutoriais de negociação de pares de divisas. Descubra cmo aprovar as ascilações nos mercados de divisas globais e ver nosso anlisis de notícias de divisas em tempo real e as reações às notícias do banco central, os indicadores econômicos e os eventos mundiales. 2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t) ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: O comércio de divisas conlleva no alto nível de risco que pode não ser adequado para todos os inversores. O apalancamento cria um risco adicional e uma exposição de prdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversin, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podra perder parte o la totalidad de su inversin inicial No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infrmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE 8482 proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de informacin econmica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de informacin. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y anlisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de informacin en el contexto del anlisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de informacin debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garanta de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE 8482 aconseja especficamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinin, investigacin, datos u otra informacin contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversin o comercializacin. FOREXLIVE 8482 renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier prdida de capital o beneficios sin limitacin que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha informacin. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garanta de resultados futuros. Cmo ver Touch Click en cualquier lugar para cerrar Rivers Re-run, NYSC condena asesinato de un miembro del Cuerpo Juvenil Adebiyi Adedapo en Abuja La direccin del Cuerpo Nacional de Servicios Juveniles (NYSC, por sus siglas en ingls) anunci la muerte de un miembro del Cuerpo, Okonta Dumebi Samuel, con (RV 15B 5539), quien muri durante las elecciones de re-ejecucin celebradas en Rivers State el fin de semana. Segn una declaracin de NYSC, Okonta, quien, hasta su fallecimiento, sirvi en el GCSS Ukpeliede, fue asesinado a tiros por algunos pistoleros desconocidos en el rea de gobierno local de Ahoada West. El asesinato de este joven patritico, hurfano, es primitivo, brbaro e impo Y debe ser fuertemente condenado por todos los nigerianos bien intencionados, 8221 Segn el comunicado. Sin embargo, NYSC prometi asegurar que los asesinos de Okonta no quedaran impunes. El NYSC trabajar con agencias relevantes para asegurar que los autores de este acto atroz sean pescados y hechos para enfrentar la ira completa de la ley. Consideramos la muerte de Okonta Samuel como una gran prdida, no slo para su familia inmediata, sino tambin para todos nosotros en la familia NYSC y toda la nacin. Que el Dios Todopoderoso le conceda un descanso eterno, y d a su familia inmediata y al resto de nosotros la fortaleza para soportar la prdida irreparable. Es una lstima, pero la forma en que pienso para asegurar que su muerte no sea en vano es cancelar totalmente las elecciones all indefinidamente y asegurarse de que ese asiento, si es posible, permanece vacante para siempre. Creo que esto va a mostrar lo desesperado y perezoso que son los ros. Si saben que pueden tener xito a travs de negocios u otros legtimos esfuerzos viables no estaran matando a s mismos luchando por la manera barata y ociosa de hacer nillions a travs de la poltica. Qu vergenza para un pueblo. De Verdad Tal vez suspender toda la constitucin. La gente perezosa no puede soportar el ejrcito y la polica que quiere robar el mandato del pueblo, La gente de Rivers State comi vibrante y valiente. Seguid as United Capital rebaja mercado en la estabilidad cambiaria Fuente de imgenes forexalchemy Con el predominio de los inversionistas de cartera extranjeros en el mercado de acciones de la nacin, United Capital Plc ha vinculado el repunte del mercado sostenible a la disposicin de la poltica cambiaria del gobierno federal Kayode Tinuoye, Jefe de Investigacin de United Capital Plc, quien tambin pidi un aumento de la participacin de los inversores locales en el mercado argument que la incertidumbre en torno a las divisas ha seguido afectando los sentimientos del mercado. Explic que, dado el predominio de los inversionistas de cartera extranjeros en el mercado, que se situ en el 54 por ciento en noviembre de 2015, existen fuertes indicios de que la disposicin del Banco Central de Nigeria a inversionistas extranjeros sera un motor clave del movimiento de acciones en 2016. Aadi que la volatilidad del mercado y la presin de venta ha sido impulsada principalmente por la fuga de capitales, sealando que haba una mayor participacin local para aislar el mercado interno de los shocks externos y volatilidades de la moneda. En cuanto a las perspectivas de desempeo sectorial del ao fiscal en curso, Tinuoye explic que el desafiante ambiente de negocios podra limitar el pago de dividendos de la compaa para todo el ao 2016, especialmente para el sector bancario. Teniendo en cuenta el predominio de los inversionistas de cartera extranjeros en el mercado nigeriano de acciones (54 por ciento de flujos totales en noviembre), creemos que la disposicin de CBN a inversionistas extranjeros ser un motor clave del movimiento de acciones en 2016, A precios de acciones bajas, los rendimientos de dividendos de las acciones de valor se estn volviendo cada vez ms atractivos. Normalmente, esto debera provocar el apoyo de los inversores institucionales locales, moderando as el impacto negativo de la inversin de FPI. FY-16, especialmente los bancos. La perspectiva sobre el desempeo de la compaa en 2016 sigue siendo dbil articulada en parches rocosos y un ambiente de negocios desafiante. Para los bancos, a pesar de la reduccin esperada en el costo de los fondos, las ganancias sern atenuadas por los menores rendimientos de los valores de inversin, as como por las limitaciones de los prstamos, mientras continan con la degradacin de la calidad de los activos. Para el sector de bienes de consumo, seal que si bien existan expectativas de crecimiento reticente de los ingresos en funcin de un menor entorno de tasas de inters, el costo excepcional, el enfoque del gobierno en el gasto social y la baja base de 2015, se esperaba una devaluacin del naira y un encogimiento Las carteras de consumo representaran un riesgo para el desempeo del sector. Tinuoye tambin explic que los precios bajistas del petrleo y la expiracin de los contratos de cobertura mantendran el crecimiento de las ganancias para el petrleo y El sector del gas ms o menos plana, mientras que los jugadores de la corriente descendente probablemente mostrara un desempeo positivo modesto. Agreg que el sector industrial estaba preparado para registrar cifras positivas debido al enfoque del gobierno en la infraestructura y la inversin privada, aun cuando la expansin de la capacidad regional de los jugadores tambin apoyara el crecimiento de las ganancias. Tambin te puede interesar Usted est aqu: Inicio raquo Noticias de Moneda raquo Mercado Forex: Perspectiva de negociacin diaria EUR USD 2 de febrero de 2016 7:16 am El comercio de ayer vio EUR USD dentro del rango de 1.0812-1.0915. El par cerr en 1.0896, avanzando 0.65 sobre una base diaria. Ha sido la dcima ganancia en los ltimos 21 das de negociacin y tambin la ms aguda desde el 7 de enero, cuando el par agreg 1,44. El mnimo diario fue una prueba ms baja de la baja desde el 29 de enero. Hoy a las 7:15 GMT el EUR USD subi un 0,08 para el da de negociacin en 1.0905. El par toc un mximo diario en 1.0919 a las 4:40 GMT, sobrepasando el nivel diario de R2, y un mnimo diario en 1.0886 durante la primera fase de la sesin comercial asitica. El martes el comercio EUR USD puede verse influido por los siguientes informes macroeconmicos, que se enumeran a continuacin. Alemania 8211 Cambio en el desempleo, tasa de desempleo El nmero de desempleados en Alemania probablemente disminuy en 7.000 en enero, segn la mediana de los pronsticos de expertos, tras otra cada de 14.000, inform en diciembre. Si es as, enero sera el cuarto mes consecutivo, cuando el nmero de desempleados era menor. Una disminucin implica que el gasto de los consumidores puede ser ms activo, mientras que el ltimo est estrechamente relacionado con el crecimiento econmico. Un aumento en el nmero de desempleados sugiere el escenario opuesto. At the same time, the seasonally adjusted rate of unemployment in the country probably remained at 6.3 for the third straight month in January, according to market expectations. This has been the lowest rate on record. The seasonally adjusted harmonized jobless rate remained at 4.5 for a fourth straight month in November. It has been the lowest rate since mid-1981. The number of unemployed persons was unchanged at 1.90 million in November compared to October, while employment was up 0.1 to 40.19 million persons during the same period. The unemployment rate for people aged between 15 and 24 decreased to 7.0 in November from 7.1 in October, while falling from 7.3, recorded in November 2014. In case the number of people unemployed decreased more than projected and the unemployment rate met expectations or dropped further, this would strongly support demand for the euro. The Federal Statistics Office will release the official numbers at 8:55 GMT. Italy 8211 rate of unemployment The rate of unemployment in Italy probably remained at 11.3 for a second consecutive month in December, according to the median forecast by experts. It has been the lowest rate since December 2012, when unemployment was reported at 11.2. The number of unemployed people decreased by 48 000 to reach 2.871 million in November, while the number of people in employment went up by 36 000 to reach 22.480 million. Unemployment among people aged between 15 and 24 dropped to 38.1 in November from 39.3 in the prior month, according to the National Institute of Statistics. November8217s youth unemployment has been the lowest since June 2013. In case the rate of unemployment in the country met expectations or fell even further, this might provide a limited-to-moderate support to the single currency. Istat is to release the official report at 9:00 GMT. Eurozone 8211 rate of unemployment The rate of unemployment in the Eurozone probably remained at 10.5 for a second straight month in December, according to market expectations. It has been the lowest rate since October 2011, when the region8217s unemployment was reported at 10.2. In November the lowest rates of unemployment were registered in Germany (4.5), the Czech Republic (4.6) and Malta (5.1), while the highest rates were in Greece (24.6) and Spain (21.4). The EU 28 unemployment rate was reported at 9.1 in November, down from 9.2 in October and down from 10 in November a year earlier. It has been the lowest rate since July 2009. According to data by Eurostat, 22.159 million people in the EU28, of whom 16.924 million were in the Euro area, were unemployed in November. Compared to October, the number of people unemployed decreased by 179 000 in the European Union and by 130 000 in the Eurozone. Compared to November 2014, unemployment was lower in the EU28 (a decrease by 2.146 million), while unemployed people in the Euro area were 1.573 million fewer. Unemployed are considered to be all persons aged between 15 and 74, who have not been hired during the survey period, have been actively seeking employment during the past four weeks and are able to accept any job proposition right away or in two weeks time. A drop in unemployment in the region would have a strong bullish effect on the single currency. The official report by Eurostat is due out at 10:00 GMT. Daily and Weekly Pivot Levels By employing the Camarilla calculation method, the daily pivot levels for EUR USD are presented as follows: R1 8211 1.0905 R2 8211 1.0915 R3 (range resistance) 8211 1.0924 R4 (range breakout) 8211 1.0953 S1 8211 1.0887 S2 8211 1.0877 S3 (range support) 8211 1.0868 S4 (range breakout) 8211 1.0839 By using the traditional method of calculation, the weekly pivot levels for EUR USD are presented as follows: Central Pivot Point 8211 1.0864 R1 8211 1.0943 R2 8211 1.1048 R3 8211 1.1127 S1 8211 1.0759 S2 8211 1.0680 S3 8211 1.0575 Fundada en 2013, Binary Tribune tiene como objetivo proporcionar a sus lectores una cobertura de noticias financieras precisa y real. Nuestro sitio web se centra en los principales segmentos de los mercados financieros: acciones, divisas y materias primas, as como una explicacin interactiva en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos e indicadores econmicos. Divulgacin de riesgos financieros BinaryTribune. com no ser responsable por la prdida de dinero o cualquier dao causado por confiar en la informacin en este sitio. Trading de divisas, acciones y materias primas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversin, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Poltica de cookies Este sitio web utiliza cookies para brindarle la mejor experiencia y conocerte mejor. Al visitar nuestro sitio web con su navegador configurado para permitir cookies, usted acepta nuestro uso de cookies como se describe en nuestra Poltica de privacidad. dupdo Copyright 2016 mdash Tribuna Binaria. Todos los derechos reservados Wherever theyrsquore from, youth between the ages of 12 and 19 face some of the most difficult years in their lives. The challenging physical and social changes these years bring can make youth more vulnerable to negative peer pressure and more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol. For many youth, the paths they choose during these formative years will set the course of their lives. Children Internationals Youth Development Programs are designed to give youth positive options and opportunities. We engage youth with social groups and constructive activities that help them successfully navigate the transition into adulthood. Some of these include: Youth Health Corps (YHC): Our unique YHC program educates participants on important health and safety issues and trains them to become peer educators who pass that information along to at least 45-50 other youth each year. In this way, the approximately 2,400 teens who make up the YHC reach well over 100,000 youth each year. Spreading critical information on subjects like reproductive health, sanitation, hygiene and STD and addiction prevention in their communities plays an important role in helping improve the overall health of the children and families who live there. Leadership Training: Group activities and lessons help youth develop effective communication skills and become responsible, assertive and self-confident leaders. Youth Council: All 16 of our democratically-elected Youth Councils receive annual Youth Empowerment Funds of 20,000. The Youth Councils are empowered to spend these funds on community-improvement projects like park and shore restoration programs, the construction of clean-water sources, additional toilets at public health clinics, and more. Youth Reporters: Our newest youth initiative empowers youth by giving them a voice while improving their communication skills and providing opportunities to master the tools and technologies necessary for online reportage. More of the Story Each year, we survey the youth in our programs and analyze the results. The outcome is our annual Youth Report Card. This comprehensive report provides detailed evidence that youth graduating from our program are more capable, confident and ready to improve their lives and communities. Hear what youth say about our programs: Learn more about our youth development programs: Q2-2016: News Corp lower ad, book publishing revenues, forex lower overall revenue BENGALURU: Strong growth in the Digital Real Estate Services segment at News Corporation (News Corp) was offset by lower advertising revenues at the News and Information Services segment and lower consumer revenues at the Book Publishing segment for the quarter ended 31 December, 2015 (Q2-2016, current quarter). News Corp reported year-on-year (YoY) 4.3 per cent revenue decline in the current quarter at 2,161 million as compared to 2,258 million. As a matter of fact, except for News Corp8217s Digital Real Estate Services segment, all other segments reported lower revenues and EBIDTA. News Corp8217s News and Information Services segment revenue fell 8.1 per cent YoY in Q2-2016 to 1,400 million as compared to 1,523 million, while revenue from its Book Publishing segment declined 4.9 per cent YoY in the current quarter to 446 million as compared to 469 million. Digital Real Estate Services segment revenue increased 35.1 per cent YoY to 208 million from 154 million. The decline in total reported revenues includes a negative impact from foreign currency fluctuations of 141 million says the company. News Corp reported Q2-2016 Total Segment EBITDA of 280 million, a 20 per cent decline as compared to 352 million in Q2-2015. Adjusted Total Segment EBITDA in Q2-2016 declined 16.8 per cent to 317 million, compared to 381 million in the corresponding prior year quarter. The company says that continued strength at the Digital Real Estate Services segment was more than offset by the declines at the News and Information Services, Book Publishing, and Cable Network Programming segments. Negative foreign currency fluctuations reduced Total Segment EBITDA by 25 million as compared to Q2-2015. News Corp CEO Robert Thomson said, 8220News Corp is evolving rapidly into a more digital and increasingly global company with a diverse revenue mix that we believe will drive long-term growth in profits and shareholder returns. The company is, by most measures, the worlds largest player in digital real estate, a position certainly enhanced by the rapid growth in the US of realtor. com.8221 8220In our News and Information Services segment, print advertising remained challenged, but we are seeing growth in digital advertising and circulation revenues. We are particularly focused on cost reductions and sharing services around News Corp to streamline operations at the newspapers in Australia and the UK,8221 he added. 8220Unruly, the viral digital advertising company acquired late last year, has been swiftly integrated into many of our companies, bringing cutting-edge metrics and a savvy social sensibility. We are developing advertising products for clients keen to benefit from the rise of video and mobile, and taking advantage of our world-class mastheads which are increasingly powerful platforms, editorially and commercially,8221 Thomson said. 8220Macro-economic conditions in most of our markets have not been auspicious, and foreign exchange fluctuations have been particularly volatile, but we believe in the enduring value of our prestigious brands and the sound logic of our digital strategy,8221 he added. News and Information Services segment News and Information Services segment revenues have been mentioned above. News Corp says that total segment advertising revenues declined 12 per cent, primarily due to weakness in print advertising, negative foreign currency fluctuations and lower revenues at News America Marketing, partially offset by growth in digital advertising revenues, including at Dow Jones, where digital revenues accounted for approximately one-third of advertising revenues in the quarter. Circulation and subscription revenues declined five per cent, due to negative foreign currency fluctuations. Growth in paid digital subscribers in the US and Australia, higher subscription pricing and selected cover price increases offset print volume declines and the impact from the change in the digital strategy at The Sun. At Dow Jones, the company continued to see modest growth of professional information business revenues. Segment EBITDA decreased 58 million in Q2-2016 to 158 million as compared 216 million in Q2-2015. Adjusted Segment EBITDA decreased 22 per cent compared to the prior year, driven by lower advertising revenues, higher promotion and marketing costs in the UK and transaction costs of 5 million related to the acquisition of Unruly. Book Publishing segment Book Publishing segment revenues mentioned above declined due to lower e-book sales, negative foreign currency fluctuations and lower revenues from the Divergent series, partially offset by strong sales in General Books resulting from the popularity of The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime by Ree Drummond. Digital sales represented 16 per cent of consumer revenues for the quarter. Segment EBITDA for the quarter decreased 20 million, or 26 per cent, from the prior year, primarily due to the factors noted above. Adjusted revenues decreased three per cent and Adjusted Segment EBITDA decreased 25 per cent compared to the prior year. Digital Real Estate Services segment Digital Real Estate Services revenues mentioned above increased primarily driven by the inclusion of the results of Move, acquired in November 2014. At REA Group Limited, increased revenues from greater residential listing depth product penetration were offset by negative foreign currency fluctuations. Segment EBITDA in the quarter increased 16 million, or 28. per cent to 73 million, compared to the 57 million in the corresponding prior year quarter, primarily due to the increased revenues noted above and the absence of one-time transaction costs of 16 million related to the acquisition of Move, partially offset by negative foreign currency fluctuations. Cable Network Programming segment In Q2-2016, revenues decreased 6 million, or 5.4 per cent YoY to 106 million, compared to 112 million in the corresponding prior year quarter. Adjusted revenues increased 10 per cent, primarily due to higher affiliate and advertising revenues. Segment EBITDA in Q2-2016 decreased 15 million, or 27.8 per cent YoY to 39 million from 54 million as compared with the corresponding prior year period. Adjusted Segment EBITDA declined 22 per cent, primarily due to expected higher programming rights and production costs related to the Rugby World Cup of 11 million. Negative foreign currency fluctuations reduced reported revenues and Segment EBITDA for the second quarter of fiscal 2016 by 17 million and 3 million, respectively, as compared to the prior year. Reported revenue for Q2-2016 was 1 million as compared to nil in Q2-2015. Segment EBITDA in the quarter improved by 5 million compared to the prior year, primarily due to lower fees and costs, net of indemnification, related to the claims and investigations arising out of certain conduct at The News of the World (UK Newspaper Matters). The net expense related to the UK Newspaper Matters was 7 million for the Q2-2016 as compared to 13 million for Q2-2016. YOLDEN Moments with the Elderly The YOLDEN Moments with the Elderly Programme is an elderly befriending programme which aims to cater to the physical, intellectual and social emotional wellness of the beneficiaries. 8220YO8221 comes from the word 8220YOuths8221 and 8220OLDEN8221 comes from the word 8220gOLDEN8221, which represents the elderly. Through the programme, youths get to learn from the life experiences of the elderly, make friends with like-minded youths, and gain skills and knowledge in befriending and engaging the elderly. Team Doraemons has come together to embark on a community outreach project hoping to foster a strong rapport with the clients of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) Tampines Training and Development Centre (TTDC), whom are Persons with Intellectual Disability (PWIDs). This project aims to foster stronger bonds between clients with severe intellectual disability and the residents living in close proximity to the MINDS Tampines Training and Development. It also aspires to create a more inclusive society, further reducing social stigma and creating opportunities for PWIDs to showcase their talents. A ground-up initiative fundraising event spearheaded by a group of participants from OBS Leadership amp Service Award (LSA). This event hopes to raise funds for Childrens Cancer Foundation (CCF), raise awareness for CCF as well as among the general public regarding the difficulties faced by these children and their families. MAP-21 Section 1524 - Youth Service and Conservation Corps Questions amp Answers 1. What is the purpose of the Youth Service and Conservation Corps provision The concept for using youth corps in Federal-aid highway program projects originated from: TEA-21 sect1108(g) relating to Transportation Enhancement (TE) projects. TEA-21 sect1112(e) and SAFETEA-LU sect1109(f) relating to RTP projects. Youth corps organizations have benefited many recreational trail projects, which are usually administered through State resource agencies that have ongoing relationships with youth corps organizations. MAP-21 Section 1524 expanded the potential for federally-funded transportation projects to use youth corps organizations. 2. What are Qualified Youth Service and Conservation Corps Section 1524 of MAP-21 defines quotqualified youth service or conservation corpsquot as those that are defined at 42 U. S. C. 12572(a)(2) and 42 U. S. C. 12656(c)(3). 42 U. S. C. 12572(a)(2) refers to the quotHealthy Futures Corps, quot which is designed to identify and meet unmet health needs in communities. 42 U. S. C. 12656(c)(3) refers to the quoturban youth corps, quot which means any program established by a State or local government or by a nonprofit organization that-- is capable of offering meaningful, full-time, productive work for individuals between the ages of 16 and 25, inclusive, in an urban or public works or transportation setting gives participants a mix of work experience, basic and life skills, education, training, and support services y provides participants with the opportunity to develop citizenship values and skills through service to their communities and the United States. 3. How do we find qualified youth service and conservation corps Youth service and conservation corps operate in all States and the District of Columbia. There are also national organizations that qualify as youth service and conservation corps. The Corps Network lists Service and Conservation Corps by State at corpsnetwork. org impact corps-by-state. 4. What kinds of projects are eligible under the provisions of Section 1524 MAP-21 Section 1524 requires the USDOT FHWA to quot. encourage the States and regional transportation planning agencies to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with qualified youth service or conservation corps. to perform appropriate projects eligible under sections 162, 206, 213, and 217 of title 23, United States Code, and under section 1404 of the SAFETEA-LU (119 Stat. 1228).quot These programs are the National Scenic Byways Program (23 U. S. C. 162), Recreational Trails Program (23 U. S. C. 206), Transportation Alternatives Program (23 U. S. C. 213), Bicycle Transportation and Pedestrian Walkways (23 U. S. C. 217), and the Safe Routes to School Program (Section 1404 of SAFETEA-LU). 5. What do the Section 1524 Requirements mean Section 1524(b)(1) requires the Secretary to establish a living allowance or rate of pay for youth service and conservation corps as required under State law or at an amount not to exceed the maximum living allowance authorized by 42 U. S. C. 12594 (as implemented by Part 4 -- Corporation for National and Community Service of OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement 2012, available at whitehouse. gov omb circulars a133compliancesupplement2012 ). Section 1524(b)(2) exempts contracts and cooperative agreements with youth service and conservation corps from Federal-aid highway program contracting requirements under 23 U. S. C. 112. A State or regional transportation planning agency may sole-source contracts and cooperative agreements to qualified youth service and conservation corps for work undertaken for byway, recreational trail, transportation alternatives, bicycle and pedestrian, or SRTS projects. 6. Does Section 1524 supersede the requirement of 23 U. S. C. 213(e) relating to Treatment of Projects S. To the extent the requirements of 23 U. S. C. 213(e) relating to Treatment of Projects conflicts with the express provisions in section 1524, the provisions in section 1524 prevail. There are differences between MAP-21 Section 1524 and the newly established 23 U. S. C. 213(e) under TAP regarding compliance with Federal-aid highway requirements. MAP-21 Section 1524 provides exceptions to certain requirements regarding pay rates and contracting requirements for projects using contracts and cooperative agreements with qualified youth service or conservation corps for certain projects. 7. May a State set aside TAP funds for qualified youth service and conservation corps No. MAP-21 does not authorize the State to set-aside TAP funds for youth service and conservation corps. The requirement for a competitive process for TAP in 23 U. S. C. 213(c)(4)(A) applies to all TAP funds remaining after the RTP set-aside. The State (or MPO, as applicable) must first select projects through a competitive process then the State or project sponsor may choose to enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with qualified youth corps consistent with State contracting or cooperative agreement procedures. Youth service and conservation corps contracts or cooperative agreements are not subject to the requirements of section 112 of title 23, United States Code. MAP-21 Section 1524 requires the DOT to quot. encourage the States and regional transportation planning agencies to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with qualified youth service or conservation corps. to perform appropriate projects eligible under sections 162, 206, 213, and 217 of title 23, United States Code, and under section 1404 of the SAFETEA-LU (119 Stat. 1228).quot Section 1524 provides exceptions for certain requirements regarding pay rates and contracting requirements for projects using qualified youth service or conservation corps. However, Section 1524 does not address project selection. States and MPOs have options to encourage eligible project sponsors to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with qualified youth service and conservation corps, including: A project application process may describe advantages of using youth service and conservation corps and provide applicants with youth corps information resources. A competitive selection process may include criteria giving priority to projects that incorporate youth service and conservation corps. A State may use Section 1524 for any project eligible under sections 162, 206, 213, and 217 of title 23, United States Code, regardless of Federal-aid funding program. Page last modified on September 12, 2013. Published January 14, 2013 With the dynamic nature of environmental employment, companies need research and information that can guide their business planning. In 2012, CCHREI completed an extensive research study that environmental businesses can use to define their competitive direction. The Environmental Labour Market (ELM) report is an authoritative, and valuable resource for identifying employment trends, human resource needs, future challenges, and emerging opportunities in Canada8217s environmental profession. The report provides Canadian environmental business with perspective on topics including how to: Identify human resource needs in the environment sector and prepare your organization for the retirement of baby-boomers Review recommendations for dealing with human resource challenges Discover national and regional profiles of environmental organizations, including their sizes and the activities that they partake in Discover national and regional profiles of environmental practitioners, including their levels of education, employment statuses, and training needs To download or order a hard-copy of this report, sign up as a member to the CCHREI website and click on 8220Labour Market Information,8221 or go to the Products link at the bottom of the CCHREI home page. 4 Responses to EYC ELM Study Appreciate the recommendation. Will try it out. 36593657 DSLR says: 161Hola Quick question that8217s completely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly My web site looks weird when browsing from my apple iphone. I8217m trying to find a theme or plugin that might be able to correct this problem. If you have any recommendations, please share. 161Aclamaciones Wow, wonderful weblog layout How long have you been blogging for you make running a blog look easy. The total look of your website is wonderful, as smartly as the content With less than a week left in what has been the best year for the SampP 500 since 1997, we have reviewed our top Wall Street firms for their stocks priced under 10 that may have gigantic upside potential for 2014. Investors that carve out part of their investment capital for these top stocks to buy may be in for a solid start to the new year. As a rule, Wall Street brokers and financial advisors typically try to steer their clients away from stocks that trade under 10, and they avoid like the plague stocks that trade for less than 5. There are myriad reasons, not the least of which is the broker or advisor faces scrutiny from the compliance manager. The flip side to these generalities is that stocks trading under 10 can offer investors the ability to accumulate relatively large position in their portfolios. These companies often have the highest risk-reward profiles, and often offer investors the most perceived leverage as well. Here are some of the top analyst stocks to buy for 2014 that trading under 10. Alcatel-Lucent S. A. (NYSE: ALU) remains a top name to buy at Merrill Lynch. The ill-fated merger between the two companies has taken many years and many CEOs to find any traction. However, the big carriers are starting to increase orders and the company is getting a nice share of them. Merrill Lynch has a 6.58 price target. The consensus estimate is at 4. The stock closed Thursday at 4.34. Cyan Inc. (NYSE: CYNI) has missed two quarters in a row following its initial public offering. In addition, management has materially lowered expectations for 2014 growth. On the positive side, the stock now discounts a lot of bad news and may provide solid upside as business improves. The company provides carrier-grade networking solutions that transform disparate and inefficient legacy networks into open, high-performance networks. The J. P. Morgan price target is 8, and the consensus is at 6.75. Cyan closed Thursday at 4.70. Galena Biopharma Inc. (NASDAQ: GALE) may be the home run that biotech investors are looking for. With an FDA approved pain medication, a partnership with generic giant Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: TEVA) and a superior pipeline, the stock may be an acquisition target. Aegis Capital has a 5 price target on the stock, while the consensus is at 4.50. Galena closed on Thursday at 4.07. In recent trading the stock has seen huge volume increases. Big investors may be building a big position. Glu Mobile Inc. (NASDAQ: GLUU) is a top mobile gaming stock to buy at Cowen and Company for 2014. The company releases its video games internationally via multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Amazon, Windows Phone and Google Chrome. Embodying the 8220freemium8221 model, games created by Glu are typically free to play. Glu generates revenue through in-game micro-transactions consisting of 1.99 or less. The Cowen price target for the stock is 5 and is the highest on Wall Street. The consensus target is posted at 4. Glu Mobile closed Thursday at 3.76. So a move to the Cowen target would represent a 40 gain for investors. Infinera Corp. (NASDAQ: INFN) is a company that J. P. Morgan sees benefiting from the continued increase optical spending. FBR Capital initiated coverage on the stock last week with an Overweight rating. The J. P. Morgan price target is 13, and the consensus comes in at 12.75. Infinera closed Thursday at 9.71. Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) is a top name to buy at Merrill Lynch. A former mega cap European leader, Nokia recently sold its handset business Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) for what was considered a low 5.5 billion euros. Even though it is selling a business representing half of its sales, Nokia8217s share price has doubled since the deal was announced in early September. Investors may well be more optimistic, but they also have big questions about the future direction of the new Nokia. Merrill Lynch has a 9.65 price target on the stock. The Thomson First Call estimate is posted at 7.67. Nokia closed Thursday at 7.89. Novavax Inc. (NASDAQ: NVAX) makes the Piper Jaffray list of top stock o buy for 2014 and is also a buy at Lazard and FBR Capital and made our five big analysts stock picks for 2014 list. This clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company uses recombinant nanoparticle technology to develop vaccines for a wide variety of infectious diseases. The company presently has six vaccine candidates undergoing clinical trials, with a seventh (rabies) being readied for a Phase I study later this year. The Piper Jaffray price target is 7. The consensus estimate is at 4 and the stock closed Thursday at 5.13. ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ: ONNN) is another tech name to buy at Merrill Lynch. The company is driving energy efficient innovations, empowering design engineers to reduce global energy use. The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of energy efficient power and signal management, logic, discrete and custom solutions to help customers solve their unique design challenges in automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, LED lighting, medical, military aerospace and power supply applications. The Merrill Lynch price target for the stock is 9, and the consensus is at 8.80. ON closed Thursday at 7.10. Sirius XM Radio Inc. (NASDAQ: SIRI) continues to draw new subscribers with its programming, and it is also a top stock to buy at Merrill Lynch for 2014. Despite challenges from other companies offering audio programming, Sirius XM has continued to be a strong player despite the fact that the stock has the highest short interest on Wall Street. Merrill Lynch has a 5 target, and the consensus target stands at 4.45. The stocks closed Thursday at 3.59. Zogenix Inc. (NASDAQ: ZGNX) is a top name to buy at Oppenheimer for 2014. The FDA recently approved its top new drug Zohydro. The drug is a timed-release form of hydrocodone, which is one of the most highly prescribed pain medications in the world. The Zogenix drug contains no acetaminophen, which has been proven to cause liver damage. This is a boon to patients suffering from oncology-related pain, as often radiation therapy weakens or damages the liver. The Oppenheimer price target for the stock is set at 5, the same as the consensus price target. Zogenix closed Thursday at at 3.34. With an outstanding year almost in the book for investors, what is the plan for 2014 Thomas Lee, the chief equity strategist at J. P. Morgan, believes that we have entered into a secular bull market that could return double-digit gains again in 2014. Augmenting a quality portfolio of blue chips and solid growth names with some of the top names priced under 10 to buy may add the alpha to portfolios. That could make 2014 another stellar investing year. Mensaje de navegacin Frequency is a Cloud-Based Internet Video Service. Frequency aggregates and distributes video from hundreds of the world8217s top producers, including the leading TV and Multi Channel Networks. We build and operate an intelligent content discovery platform that powers video services and applications for TV, mobile and Over The Top operators. Frequency provides operators with one point of integration, and one license. Operators enjoy access to thousands of channels of premium internet video, and a fully featured video platform including real time personalization. Join hundreds of leading content providers to reach millions of new viewers around the world. Explore Content Producers160 Provide your customers with a complete premium internet video service, with one simple integration. Learn about Operators160 Integration is simple using Frequency8217s Software Development Kits (SDKs) and APIs. Access all Frequency content and intelligent discovery services on any platform. Discover integration possibilities160 Daily Shot: Global markets whiplashed by China TradingFloor. com Team Saxo Bank Chinas yuan weakening and stabilisation attempts send world markets into tailspin Probability of an April US hike now seen below 45 US small caps and consumer luxury shares got hammered VIX curve is inverted again, indicating elevated risk aversion Canadian dollar under pressure, Mexican peso and S. African rand hit record lows WTI crude traded well below 33 barrel, copper hammered Circuit breakers R. I. P. By Walter Kurtz As expected, Beijings currency weakening and the amateurish attempts to stabilize the equity market via the circuit breakers sent global markets into a tailspin. Here are a few highlights. The Saxo Bank Group entities each provide execution-only service and access to Tradingfloor. com permitting a person to view and or use content available on or via the website is not intended to and does not change or expand on this. Such access and use are at all times subject to (i) The Terms of Use (ii) Full Disclaimer (iii) The Risk Warning (iv) the Rules of Engagement and (v) Notices applying to Tradingfloor. com and or its content in addition (where relevant) to the terms governing the use of hyperlinks on the website of a member of the Saxo Bank Group by which access to Tradingfloor. com is gained. Por lo tanto, dicho contenido no se proporciona ms que informacin. 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Please read our disclaimers: - Notification on Non-Independent Invetment Research - Full disclaimer Check your inbox for a mail from us to fully activate your profile. No mail Have us re-send your verification mail TradingFloor. com uses cookies to improve your experience. By using TradingFloor. com, we assume that you accept our cookie policy Close Omnicom Posts Strong Organic Growth for Q4, Forex Will Remain a Hurdle in 2015 Feb 10, 2015 11:47 am ET Omnicom, the first of the major ad holding companies to report year-end results, on Tuesday better-than-expected revenue growth for the fourth quarter, helped by its programmatic business, new business wins and strong performance in the U. S. and the U. K. The owner of agencies such as BBDO, DDB and TBWA said organic revenue 8212 which strips out acquisitions, foreign exchange and other impacts 8212 rose 5.9 for the latest quarter. North America, which represents more than half of Omnicom8217s revenue, experienced organic growth of 8.3 for the quarter, driven by the company8217s media business and solid results in its public relations and specialty healthcare businesses. The U. K. also exhibited strong growth in the quarter, with organic revenue up 6.2. 8220Our industry is becoming increasingly complex and our clients are looking to us for ways to navigate this rapidly changing landscape,8221 Chief Executive John Wren said in a conference call with analysts. 8220We are continually expanding our capabilities to meet our clients8217 needs. Technology is providing the tools and we are providing the brains.8221 Overall, the company8217s earnings for the quarter rose 9.7 to 329.5 million, or 1.30 a year, while revenue was up 3.4 to 4.2 billion. However, sharp declines in the value of foreign currencies against the U. S. dollar hurt Omnicom8217s revenues across all of its international operations. Foreign currency fluctuations decreased the company8217s revenue by 3.1 in the fourth quarter. These headwinds could have a negative impact of 5.5 on revenues for the first quarter and 5 for 2015, the company said. Adjusted margin for the quarter was flat from the prior-year quarter at 14.5. 8220FX is certainly going to pose a bit of a challenge for us from a margin perspective,8221 said Chief Financial Officer Phil Angelastro, noting the company isn8217t yet projecting or committing to a margin target for 2015 though it expects to maintain its margins in the first quarter. It8217s still too early to predict what will happen to foreign exchange rates for the rest of the year, he said. The collapse of Omnicom8217s proposed 35 billion merger with French rival Publicis was the biggest story in the advertising sector of 2014. Like other players in the advertising industry, Omnicom faces increasing competition from a new crop of tech, digital and data analytics specialists who claim they can do some of the tasks that agencies have long handled. Still, Omnicom has continued to post strong organic growth rates this year and is building its digital capabilities. Omnicom8217s programmatic business contributed about 20 million to the company8217s growth for the quarter and roughly 140 million for the year, company executives said. Programmatic, however, represents less than 2 for the company8217s revenue for the full year. The broader media business could again be an outperformer this year, Mr. Wren said. 8220The complexity of the marketplace has caused people to pay more attention to media and thinking about media,8221 Mr. Wren said. With the plethora of channels where a brand can place its messaging, 8220focusing on getting that right is becoming increasingly important8230. We won, I believe more than our fair share of media accounts and plenty assignments over the last several years and it8217s being reflected in the numbers now.8221 For 2015, Mr. Wren said he is 8220cautiously optimistic8221 and expects organic growth of about 3.5, below the company8217s 2014 organic growth rate of 5.7. Clientes 8217 ad budgets are growing consistently with GDP growth in most markets, he added. Naira Slides Further At The Parallel Market November 2, 2015 The Naira on Monday further slide at the parallel market as it exchanged for N227 to the dollar, as against the N226.5 it traded previously. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the official interbank rate, however, remained at N197. Traders at the market attributed the slide in the price of the naira to insufficient forex at the parallel market. They said that the naira might strengthen against the dollar after the apex banks8217 sale of forex on Wednesday Business ideas for youth in africa Business ideas for youth in africa Analysis Portrait of an attractive African American business woman smiling confidently. So, here are plenty of great small business ideas to get you. The problem however being faced by a lot of people is knowing the right African business idea to invest in. It may be a bit more challenging for those who may. business ideas for youth in africa Smallstarter is a goldmine of small business ideas. inspiring success stories and practical advice for African entrepreneurs, investors and business owners. The idea of starting a home-based business is becoming more of a trend in South Africa. People want to be at home with their families rather than waste. Free forex seminars making money online forex Follow this plan to evolve a vague idea into a winning business. Science-experiment. 5 Thought Experiments to Test Your Business Idea Jayson Demers. Ideate to come up with ideas This is a great South African website to talk about business ideas for entrepreneurs. Its professionally presented but the style is. Although there are many lucrative businesses in Nigeria. Firm With currently over five million unemployed youth in Nigeria and the teeming. Business ideas in financial services Se aceptan los comerciantes estadounidenses. NO Finance Investing business ideas that you can start today from. Business Idea Center Finance Investing - Interests. Category Business Services May 1, 2012. How could I write a blog post about the best small business ideas and. Some of the perks of becoming a financial planner are that you. advisory services in the States of Illinois and in other jurisdictions where exempted. Las ltimas seales de las opciones binarias IKON MultiBank Group considered as one of the best forex and financial products broker worldwide Forex Ambush 2.0 - Artificial Intelligence Forex Signals. 100 Accurate Forex Signals and Expert Advisor. business ideas new york binary options without investment Business ideas for youth in africa business idea latest new business ideas in hyderabad india Restablecimiento de contrasea Dogara Launches Discount card for Students, Youth Corps Members Damilola Oyedele in Abuja The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara would soon launch a discount card designed to subsidise expenses on goods and services for Nigerian students and youth corps members. Targeted at about 23 million youth, the Nigerian Students and Youth Corpers Discount Card (NSYDC), an initiative of a private firm, Bridge Concept, has already received the endorsement of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS). In partnership with hundreds of goods and services providers, bearers of the card would receive different ranges of discounts, a practice which is common across the world, One of the drivers of the concept, and a former member of the House, Hon. Bimbo Daramola told THISDAY that it became necessary to come up with the concept in the face of prevailing economic realities in the country. 8220The effect of our current economic realities on our youths is harsh, so it is our responsibility to look for safety nets to shield them from crimes and criminality. While doing that, we should not lose focus on how to empower the students and youth corps members to keep from deviant behaviours.8221 8220That was what brought the idea of the online discount platform. We already have partners from all sectors of the economy, from hospitality to tourism and others, whereby any of our subscribers will enjoy a discount from the goods and services he or she is seeking to enjoy,8221 Daramola added. About 35,000 partners including students and corners are already benefitting from the service in the Federal Capital Territory, with plans to extend to other parts of the country almost immediately after the launch. 8220Though it is new and first of its kind in Nigeria but it has been in existence in Europe and Americas for more than 3 decades. These are some of the privileges enjoyed by students and other youth groups in Europe and Americas that makes it appear like their society is extra perfect,8221 he added. Intensive efforts are however being made to ensure that the concept is not abused or exposed to fraud. Live Forex news Turkey Nov Jobless Rate Remains Stable Turkeys unemployment rate held steady in November, figures from the Turkish Statistical Institute showed Monday. The unadjusted jobless rate came in at 10.5 percent in November, the same rate as in the previous month. In the corresponding month last year, the unemployment rate was 10.7 percent. The number of unemployed people decreased to 3.12 million in November from 3.14 million in October. A year ago, the jobless figure totaled 3.09 million. The youth unemployment rate, which applies to the 15 to 24 age group, dropped to 19.1 percent from 19.9 percent in December 2014. The seasonally adjusted jobless rate fell to 10.4 percent in November from 10.6 percent in the preceding month. Published: 2016-02-14 22:48:00 Which clubs benefitted most from fluctuating exchange rates this summer Check out our not-so-serious guide to the savviest Barclays Premier League dealers of the summer 2015 transfer window. From big money fees for want-away midfielders such as Angel Di Maria to the high profile international deals made by Chelsea and Manchester City, Premier League clubs have once again been flaunting their cash in a bid to bolster their squads for the 2015 16 campaign. This summer has also seen a strong performance from the British pound, which has meant that English clubs have benefitted considerably from their overseas transfer deals compared to previous windows. READ MORE. However, despite the rampant selling and spending, when it comes to keeping tabs on fluctuating exchange rates, there are some clubs who have appeared to be a lot shrewder than others. This summer the GBP EUR exchange rate saw a period high of 1.437 and a period low of 1.357. which means that if continental deals were timed right, English clubs could have saved millions of pounds on their overseas payments. With this in mind, for a bit of fun, we8482ve decided to analyse each Premier League club8482s transfer activity and work out who have been the savviest dealers since the first fees were agreed back on 28th May. We all know each club has their own set financial guidelines around overseas spending and directors are probably well aware of the advantages of conducting deals during certain periods. However, it8482s still interesting to see how much each club made or lost on these deals based on the exchange rates when the fees were agreed. Total spent on international transfer fees during the 2015 summer transfer window by Premier League clubs166 Potential forex saving for all clubs The total amount that could have been saved had transfers been completed on the date of the most favourable exchange rate during the transfer period: The exchange rates league table The below league table ranks every Premier League club by the total amount they saved or lost on their international deals since the first fees were agreed at the end of May. We8482ve identified the average exchange rates from 28th May 8220 1st September and used them to work out which clubs have conducted their deals for better or worse rates. This has allowed us to discover the total amounts each club has hypothetically saved or lost for all their deals throughout the transfer period. We8482ve also pinpointed the optimum exchange rates for the transfer period to illustrate the maximum amount the clubs missed out on saving if they had conducted their deals during those peak days. Each club8482s potential savings have been outlined on a separate column below. Summer Youth Corps Summer Youth Corps connects teenagers to the natural environment through hands-on conservation, and empowers young people to become active, engaged citizens. The 2016 programs run June 18-July 16 and July 23-August 20. Youth are hired for one of two 4-week sessions. After several days of training, youth travel as a crew to projects throughout Minnesota and other states, working 8:30 a. M. to 5 p. M. De segunda a sexta. Activities include managing natural resources in parks and public lands and participating in daily training and education. As the Summer Youth Corps in a month-long residential program. youth will be away from home for the entirety of the program. Weekends and evenings are filled with recreational activities such as canoeing, fishing, games, relaxing and visiting historic places. Youth receive an average weekly allowance of 250 that includes all food, transportation and lodging. Enrollment is open to youth from all cultures, backgrounds and experiences, who are 15 to 18 years old when the program starts. Deaf and hard-of-hearing youth represent about 15 of our participants. For over 20 years, our crews and all education recreation activities have been inclusive, with ASL interpreters. Youth gain job and career planning skills. They learn about ecology, sustainability, water and land management, food production, American Sign Language and Minnesota natural history. They also have fun and make a difference To join the Corps. you must be willing to work hard on teams with youth from diverse backgrounds and live outdoors. We foster strong work habits, environmental ethics, team unity and leadership. 2016 program schedule: Session One: June 18-July 16 Session Two: July 23-August 20 Check out our 2013 Youth Crew Member Handbook for additional information about SYC. Information in this handbook is geared towards 15- to 18-year-old youth who apply for the 4-week programs. If you are a Summer Youth Corps alumni and are interested in the SYC Wilderness Crew, please contact Jonathan Goldenberg at jonathanconservationcorps. org for a link to the Wilderness Crew application. For more information, contact the progra m coordinator: Jonathan Goldenberg jonathanconservationcorps. org 651.209.9900 x27 Conservation Corps Minnesota 60 Plato Blvd. E. Ste 210, Saint Paul, MN 55107 The Summer Youth Corps is made possible by: Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation Andersen Corporate Foundation Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation Laura Jane Musser Fund SmartWool Advocacy Fund Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Southeast Conservation Corps Southeast Conservation Corps (SECC), formerly known as Southeast Youth Corps, operates conservation service programs throughout the Southeast that focus on empowering young people to cultivate compassion, responsibility and grit through community service, hard work and environmental stewardship. Building upon the foundation of the Civilian Conservation Corps, SECC is focused on connecting local youth to the natural environment through service learning, personal development and recreation. SECC offers a variety of opportunities, including both a youth mountain biking program, Trips for Kids--Chattanooga. and a variety of Conservation Programs for youth and young adults. The SECC office is located in Chattanooga, TN, nestled between the Cumberland Plateau and the Appalachian Mountains. This ideal location allows the Southeast Conservation Corps to engage a diverse population of young adults in broad range of conservation service projects and recreation opportunities within some of the oldest and most biologically diverse forests in the eastern United States. Thank you for your support of SECC. All proceeds from giving Tuesday will go toward the Trips for Kids mountain bike and service program that connects Chattanooga youth to public land via mountain bike rides and and conservation service projects. To support this program please send checks to 403 Chilhowie Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405 or contact us at 423-718-3467. In-kind and gear donations are also welcome 83 of all parents surveyed said SECCrsquos YCC program improved their childrsquos leadership skills, and improved the overall health of their child. 100 of the members from the 2013 YCC program stated that they learned technical skills associated with trail maintenance. 100 of the members from the 2013 YCC program stated that they improved communication skills and or community living skills. 2001 N. Chamberlain Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37406 Contact Us dupdo Southeast Conservation Corps 2016 Live Forex news Greece Q4 Jobless Rate Climbs Greeces unemployment rate increased in the three months ended December, figures from the Hellenic Statistical Authority showed Thursday. The jobless rate rose to 24.4 percent in the fourth quarter from 24.0 percent in the previous quarter. In the corresponding period of 2014, the unemployment rate was 26.1 percent. The number of unemployed persons grew by 1.2 percent compared with the previous quarter and decreased by 5.7 percent as compared to the fourth quarter last year, the agency said. The youth unemployment rate, which applies to the 15 to 24 age group, fell to 49.0 percent in the December quarter from 51.5 percent in the same period a year ago. Published: 2016-03-17 02:29:00 Stop disturbing NYSC staff for concessional posting, DG warns The Director General, National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Brig-Gen. Johnson Olawumi, has disclosed that the scheme would no longer entertain request from people, seeking for concessional posting for their wards, relatives and friends for mobilisation during the NYSC mandatory one year national service. Olawumi, who was speaking during the opening ceremony of the training organised by the NYSC and the Housing Developers, Cooperative Society for Corps Members at the NYSC Orientation Camp Kubwa, Abuja stated that the scheme has introduced a self deployment mechanism to enable the prospective corps members choose a state, where they wished to serve. The DG while urging members of the public to stop disturbing staff of the scheme with their requests for concession, disclosed that their online platform was designed in a way that corps members that had a genuine reason for concession, would not be denied. 8220The NYSC is barring concessional posting, we have to take that decision, because in the past, we allowed concessional posting for prospective corps members, who have medical challenge, or married women or pregnant women, but as it stands now, our online registration platform has been designed in such away to address the problem of those prospective corps members who have health challenges or married women. 8220So, all they need to do is that, in the process of doing their registration, there are information these categories of people need to supply and upload the documents, our portal has been designed in such a way that it will automatically post them to where they filled. 8220I want to say that in the past few weeks we have been receiving requests from various quarters ministries, departments, agencies, private institutions and individuals seeking for concessional posting. I want to say that they are just wasting their time,8221 he stated. The NYSC DG explained that the training for the corps members organised by the scheme and the Housing Developers8217 Cooperative Society was aimed at training and graduating skilled manpower in housing sector. 8220The inauguration of 200 youth corps members for training in special areas of labour need in the housing development sector reaffirms our pledge to give useful skills to every willing graduate partaking in the national service,8221 he said. Your Teen Could Make 6,000 a Month Interning at Facebook Facebook Inc. rolled out the red carpet for Michael Sayman when the social network hired him for a job that started last month, including flying him out to meet Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg. Sayman, 17, brought his mom along on the trip. The position Facebook recruited him for: summer intern. 8220When I got the e-mail saying -- oh my god -- Mark Zuckerberg wants to meet you, I had to make sure nobody was playing a prank on me,8221 Sayman, who wears braces and recently graduated from high school in Miami, said in an interview. 8220It was just incredible to be able to meet him.8221 Landing top talent is getting so tough in Silicon Valley that technology companies are trying anything for an edge -- including hiring interns out of high school and boosting new recruits8217 perks. Facebook said it just started wooing interns before their freshman year of college, while LinkedIn Corp. opened its summer program to high schoolers two years ago. Startups including Airbnb Inc. have also nabbed interns as young as 16 years old. For the companies, it8217s all about keeping up with Silicon Valley8217s youth-oriented culture, especially as the young and technically inclined are sometimes encouraged to create their own startups instead of joining large organizations. Early Facebook investor Peter Thiel pays people under 20 years old 100,000 to quit school to pursue their passions. Others aspire to follow the path of Summly Ltd. founder Nick D8217Aloisio, who became a millionaire at 17 last year when Yahoo Inc. acquired his mobile application. The importance of young hires is recognized at the very top. On an earnings call in May, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner gave a shout-out to his 2014 intern class, saying 8220talent is our number one operating priority and our most important asset, and this incoming group will continue to add to our team.8221 The drive for youth is being spurred by more people getting into technology at a younger age. With online coding tutorials and Web communities for collaborating on software, high schoolers don8217t have to get a computer science degree before producing their own mobile apps. Many find their way to events such as hackathons and contests to find bugs in software, which attract whoever has the skills to compete. James Anderson got his internship at Portland, Oregon-based Web startup Planet Argon LLC last year through just this route. At age 13, he went to a conference focused on the Ruby on Rails programming language and met Planet Argon8217s founders on a company hike. He later asked for -- and got -- a summer internship before starting high school. 8220I felt like age shouldn8217t hold me back as long as I can code,8221 said Anderson, now 15 and a soon-to-be sophomore at Flintridge Preparatory School in La Caada, California, who taught himself several programming languages and built apps based on online tutorials. In the push for candidates, summer interns are getting treated better, too. It8217s become standard for engineering interns to snag free housing, transportation and salaries of more than 6,000 a month, according to job-search site Glassdoor Inc. That compares with the 4,280 average monthly income for U. S. households in 2012, according to the U. S. Census Bureau. Of the top 10 companies paying the most for interns, all are technology companies except for Exxon Mobil Corp. Glassdoor said in February. 8220It8217s kind of insane that as a 19- or 20-year-old, you can make more than the U. S. average income in a summer,8221 said Daniel Tahara, 21, who interned at big data startup Hadapt Inc. last summer and mobile-security startup Lookout Inc. the year before. Tahara, who declined to say how much he was paid, started a job with online storage startup Dropbox Inc. this month. Other perks abound. Microsoft Corp. puts on a free concert for summer interns, last year booking Macklemore amp Ryan Lewis and Deadmau5. Dropbox pays for interns8217 parents to fly to San Francisco and learn about the company. Google Inc. provides standard workplace benefits to interns, including on-site massages and laundry service. Yet underage interns can sometimes present hurdles for companies. Consider the extra paperwork that Airbnb, the San Francisco-based online room-rental service, had to take on last year when recruiters stumbled upon the Twitter profile of Conrad Kramer, who was 16. 8220We actually had to get a work permit for him,8221 said Bern Coh, Airbnb8217s head of intern recruiting, to comply with California law that requires permits for workers under 18. Kramer interned last summer, she said, and since then the company has 8220been keeping in touch with him various ways.8221 Kramer didn8217t respond to requests for comment. Young interns also bring more parents into the picture. Doris Tong, senior manager of LinkedIn8217s global campus recruiting, said she once met a contestant at a company hackathon who she recalls 8220was 12 or 15.8221 8220I remember needing to get a parental release because we hadn8217t ever had that young a person participate,8221 Tong said. Not all companies want younger interns. Google requires interns to be at least college freshmen and encourages them to finish their degrees. The Mountain View, California-based company finds other ways to look for recruits, said Kyle Ewing, Google8217s head of global staffing. 8220We do have a former professional ballerina, a former professional baseball player who used to throw a 90-mile-per-hour fastball, a student who raps in Chinese competitively,8221 Ewing said of the company8217s interns. 8220Someone after their freshman year could have been programming since they were 10 and they may be ready for a technical internship, some may need more development and might not have been as self-trained as others, and come in for a different kind of program.8221 Facebook found Sayman last year because the teen was using the social network8217s Parse developer tools to build a mobile game called 4Snaps. The game, which involves people taking four pictures and sending them to friends as clues for guessing a word, has more than 500,000 players. Sayman taught himself to make mobile apps at 13, partly to help his mother, a driver for Lyft Inc. and father, an audio engineer, to pay the bills after a foreclosure four years ago. 8220He was the one paying for everything in the house, at 13, 14, 15,8221 his mother, Cristina Sayman, said in a phone interview. As downloads of 4Snaps climbed last year -- at one point becoming the top word game in Apple Inc.8217s App Store -- Facebook8217s Parse team contacted Sayman to feature the app on the company blog. They also asked him to make a video explaining how the app was built. The video, which Sayman made in his pajamas, was shown to Facebook8217s entire staff in September. It got the attention of the intern recruiter, who told the teen about the summer program. Facebook8217s head of global recruiting, Miranda Kalinowski, said there8217s 8220no hard and fast rule8221 on intern ages at the Menlo Park, California-based company, though it typically tries to meet college freshmen and recruit from universities. 8220The point is we8217re always on the lookout for really top talent,8221 she said. In November, Facebook flew Sayman out to meet Zuckerberg. The two discussed 4Snaps, while his mother marveled at the Web company8217s headquarters where her son could get his hair cut, his laundry done and eat whenever he wanted for free. 8220They have plenty of food, everything for free, they just have to focus and work,8221 Cristina Sayman said. Sayman, who8217s working with the Parse team this summer, said he isn8217t sure if he8217ll go to college. He8217s getting into his life in Silicon Valley, including snapping a selfie last month with Apple CEO Tim Cook. 8220If Facebook were to extend my offer for a full-time position I would definitely take that,8221 Sayman said. 8220It8217s my dream job.8221 (An earlier version of this story corrected the spelling of Deadmau5.) By LORNE COOK and RAF CASERT - AP - 2 hrs 49 mins ago BRUSSELS (AP) 8212 Belgian riot police clashed Sunday with hundreds of right-wing hooligans at a temporary shrine honoring victims of the Brussels suicide bombings, as investigators launched fresh anti-terror raids, taking four more people into custody. (full story ) By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER - AP - Sun Mar 27, 12:29PM CDT WASHINGTON (AP) 8212 Steady economic growth can fuel gains in the financial markets. But what if that growth isnt widely shared (full story ) By DANICA KIRKA - AP - Sun Mar 27, 3:03AM CDT BRUSSELS (AP) 8212 At the aptly named Planete Chocolat, the shelves are laden with enticing Easter treasures for shoppers: bunnies with bows, pastel-wrapped eggs and elegant boxes of pralines. (full story ) Volunteer Youth Corps Inc under the Cooperate Agreement NO. AID-538-A-15-00001 was recently awarded a 3-year grant through the United States Agency for International Development for a Project titled lsquoGuyana Civil Society Leadershiprsquo (GCSL). The GCSL project seeks to provide technical assistance to the NGO Coordinating Committee (NCC) in strengthening the network for greater impact and sustainability of the national HIV response, advocate more effectively for critical issues and strengthen partnership with the Government and Private sector to promote and enabling environment for civil society actors in the national HIV response. Applica tions are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following vacancies: Applications can be sent to: email: vycorgguyana. líquido. gy Chief Executive Officer Volunteer Youth Corps Inc, Lot E Luckhoo Street, Closing date for applications: Wednesday 23rd September, 2015. Note, Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interviews. Lot E Luckhoo Street, Durban Backlands, Georgetown, Guyana. Telephone:(592) 227-1011-13, Fax: (592) 227-1013 169 2015. Volunteer Youth Corps Inc, Guyana - VYCGuyana. net Todos los derechos reservados. - Content made easy Home Mapa del sitio Iniciar sesin Welcome to Atlanta Youth Corps Greening Youth Foundation (GYF, gyfoundation. org) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to nurture environmental stewardship among diverse youth and young adults, and expose them to conservation careers. GYF has worked with federal partners such as the National Park Service and the USDA Forest Service for five years, managing crews involved in cyclic maintenance, natural resource protection, and energy audits and retro-fits in states such as Georgia, Alabama, Colorado, and Arizona. GYF8217s Atlanta Youth Corps is a program that has been set up to provide workforce development to the city of Atlanta and execute much needed maintenance and improvement projects around the city. It is composed of a group of 5 semi-skilled young adult Team Members, and a skilled Team Leader. Registration Information for Employers Space is limited Regular Registration: 350 Non-Profit Government registration: 200 Registration Deadline: CLOSED (NO WAITING LIST, thank you for your interest) Once the accommodation limit is reached, additional registrations will be put on a waiting list. Registration does not confirm participation an official confirmation will be sent via e-mail. Once registration is confirmed, fees are non-refundable. Registration includes parking, one table, two chairs, and two lunches. The Fair is widely marketed and will be well attended ndash it will be a great opportunity for you to publicize your organization, employment needs and internships to SF State8482s diverse student population of over 30,000. For information regarding our student demographics, click here. Online Registration Instructions: On the right side of this website, click on the GatorJOBS For Employers link. If you already have an account on GatorJOBS, enter your Username and Password in the appropriate fields, and then click the quotLoginquot botn. If you are a new user to GatorJOBS, click the quotClick here to registerquot link at the bottom of that page to create a new account. After logging into your GatorJOBS account, click the quotCareer Fairs and Eventsquot item, which can be found on the menu bar at the top of your homepage. Click the quotSearchquot botn. Locate the event and click on it to begin the online registration. If you have questions, please contact the Student Involvement and Career Center at (415) 338-1761 or recruitsfsu. edu. List of Participating Employers AAA Northern California, Nevada amp Utah Accident Fund Holdings, Inc. Jobs at Goodwill Green Corps Program Youth Green Corps is a partnership between Seattle Goodwill Industries and Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation. It is a nine-month work readiness program that connects and engages disconnected young adults, ages 18 through 24, who are not working or in school, with opportunities to obtain and maintain a family-supporting career. The overall goals for the program are to provide work experience, college exposure, and future planning so that youth completing the program are either placed in jobs or attend programs at local community colleges. The Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation provides on-the-job training and work experience in restoration and trail maintenance practices for the Pacific Northwest ecology. FEMA Corps Team Members Are the Modern Day Hitler Youth - Fiction Summary of eRumor: This is a forwarded email that contains an article that compares a group of American youths who recently graduated from the FEMA Corps program to Hitler Youth. The email also alleges that the Department of Homeland Security is raising an army and ordered billions of rounds of ammunition. The origin of the eRumor comes from an October 7, 2012 article from the Whiteout Press but these are the ramblings of someone who appears to know very little about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and World War II history of Nazi Germany. According to their website, FEMA Corps is a program that creates a pool of trained team members ranging from ages 18 to 24 to assist in disaster recovery. The mission of this program is to establish a unit of 1,600 service corps members dedicated to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. The benefit of this program is to prepare participants 8220for careers in emergency management and other related fields, building depth in the emergency management community.8221 The first 480 members began training in August 2012 and became ready for deployment in September 2012. The next training program begins in Winter 2013. FEMA Corps members are compensated for their time. According to the FAQ on their website, 8220FEMA Corps members receive a living allowance of approximately 4,000 for the 10 months of service (about 200 every two weeks before taxes), housing, meals, limited medical benefits8221 and members can receive up to an additional 400 a month for childcare. After the first 10 month term of service there is an option to extend for a second year. Comparison to Hitler Youth Hitler Youth were created in the 19208217s and targeted boys and girls from the ages of 10 to 18. It began as a voluntary program but in 1936, after Adolf Hitler came into power the program became compulsory. According to the Historylearingsite. the 8220task of the boys section was to prepare the boys for military service. For girls, the organization prepared them for motherhood.8221 Members of FEMA Corps do not fall into to this age range nor are they trained or prepared for the military. The photo in the forwarded email depicting a young team of FEMA Corps members fully armed and ready to respond is inaccurate. According to a May 13, 2009 article in the New York Times the group in the photo are Explorer Scouts in a simulated counter terrorism training exercise, which occurred in California8217s Imperial County under the leadership of local law enforcement and Border Patrol. The article said, 8220The Explorers program, a coeducational affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America that began 60 years ago, is training thousands of young people in skills used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence 8212 an intense ratcheting up of one of the group8217s longtime missions to prepare youths for more traditional jobs as police officers and firefighters.8221 The writer of the eRumor also alleged that the DHS is raising an army and ordered billions of rounds of ammunition. The DHS oversees agencies that conduct law enforcement, military missions, and immigration enforcement. In a February 14, 2013 article by Fox News. it was disclosed that DHS training centers have used as much as 15 million rounds annually for training exercises and practice on shooting ranges. The article also said that the DHS plans to purchase 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), calling it 8220the federal government8217s second largest criminal investigative agency.8221 But ICE is not the only armed agency under the Department of Homeland Security. The U. S. Secret Service, the intelligence agency that was originally under the Department of the Treasury has the responsibility of protecting the President and dignitaries. This agency has been under the blanket of the DHS since March 1, 2003. One agency under the DHS that could be considered to be a major user of weapons and ammunition is the United States Coast Guard. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is on loan to the DHS from the Department of Transportation and has enough fire power to protect U. S. ports, chase and apprehend pirates and smugglers and assist in the protection of our military assets and facilities in the Persian Gulf. The USCG lists 212 aircraft, various vessels ranging in boats from 18 feet to 47 feet along with a fleet of cutters ranging from 65 feet to 179 feet. The USCG also performs search and rescue for mariners in peril on the water. The USCG H-65 Dolphin helicopter in the photo above is usually armed with Single 7.62mm M240B H machine gun, a 7.62mm shoulder-fired precision weapon and a .50-caliber shoulder-fired precision weapon. USCG Cutter Stratton pictured above is one of the newest ships in the fleet can carry USCG Helicopters and has an armament of 57mm Bofors Gun, 1 Phalanx, a CIWS 1B 20mm, four 50 caliber machine guns, as well as two M240B light machine guns. The cutter is also capable of launching 25 Foot Defender Class Boats with gun mounts both forward and aft. Other agencies under the DHS, according to their organizational chart. are U. S. Customs amp Boarder Protection, U. S. Citizenship amp Immigration Services, U. S. Immigrations amp Customs Enforcement, U. S. Secret Service, and Transportation Security Administration. Each agency has members who carry and are trained to use weapons. The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV or 8220Humvee8221) are real and some agencies receive training on these armored vehicles designated for Special Response Teams by the DHS. The above photo shows members of U. S. Immigrations amp Customs Enforcement in a special training exercise involving armored vehicles. Also, FEMA is the training agency for first responders from the local level to agencies under the DHS. So that all agencies speak the same language at the scene of a disaster the Incident Command System was developed for all levels of government as well as private sector and by many nongovernmental organizations. Scary FEMA Corps graduates first class. Might you wonder why Is this the Civilian Defence Force that Obama promised when he was elected. As large as our military. Full time and paid. Whiteout Press Homeland Security graduates first Corps of Homeland Youth October 7, 2012. Vicksburg. The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 19308217s Germany. Regardless of their name, the Dept of Homeland Security has just graduated its first class of 231 Homeland Youth. Kids, aged 18-24 and recruited from the President8217s AmeriCorp volunteers, they represent the first wave of DHS8217s youth corps, designed specifically to create a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA Youth across the country. On September 13, 2012, the Dept of Homeland Security graduated its first class of FEMA Corps youth, aka the Homeland Youth. Image courtesy of DHS. Gov. On September 13, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security graduated its first class of FEMA Corps first-responders. While the idea of having a volunteer force of tens of thousands of volunteers scattered across the country to aid in times of natural disasters sounds great, the details and timing of this new government army is somewhat curious, if not disturbing. DHS raising an armed army The first problem one finds with this 8216new army8217 is the fact that they are mere children. Yes, 18 is generally the legal age a person can sign a contract, join the military or be tried as an adult. But ask any parent 8211 an 18, 20 or even a 24 year-old is still a nave, readily-influenced kid. The second problem with this announcement and program is its timing. Over the past two years, President Obama has signed a number of Executive Orders suspending all civil and Constitutional rights and turning over management of an America under Martial Law to FEMA. Also in that time, domestic federal agencies under DHS, including FEMA, have ordered billions of rounds of ammunition as well as the corresponding firearms. Admittedly, these new weapons and ammunition aren8217t to be used in some far-off war or to fight forest fires in California, but right here on the streets of America. Strange Armoured Fighting Vehicles Individuals around the US have begun reporting the site of strange, new, heavily-armed FEMA fighting vehicles. What would a disaster relief agency like FEMA need with 2,500 brand new GLS armoured fighting vehicles According to the agency8217s own mandate, as well as President Obama8217s recent Executive Order, the answer is 8216population control8217 during a time of Martial Law. One set of images made available by Rense. com shows trailer after trailer carrying these new DHS and FEMA armoured fighting vehicles, complete with machine gun slots. They8217re labelled with the usual backward American flag and the title, 8216Homeland Security8217. Below that and the DHS logo, it also reads, 8216Immigration amp Customs Enforcement8217. Joining those markings, the black vehicles with white lettering also display 8216POLICE RESCUE8217 on one side and 8216Special Response Team8217 on the other. FEMA Corps FEMA Deputy Administrator Rich Serino gave the keynote address at the 8216Induction Ceremony8217 for the inaugural class of FEMA Corps members. According to the DHS website, 8216Corps members assist with disaster preparedness, response, and recovery activities, providing support in areas ranging from working directly with disaster survivors to supporting disaster recovering centres to sharing valuable disaster preparedness and mitigation information with the public.8217 Serino describes what the first FEMA Corps class has accomplished so far, as well as where they8217ll be going next: 8216Yesterday, we welcomed 231 energetic members into the first ever FEMA Corps class. The members just finished off their first month of training with our partners at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and are one step closer to working in the field on disaster response and recovery. They will now head to FEMA8217s Centre for Domestic Preparedness to spend the next two weeks training in their FEMA position-specific roles. Once they complete both the CNCS and FEMA training, these 231 dedicated FEMA Corps members will be qualified to work in one of a variety of disaster related roles, ranging from Community Relations to Disaster Recovery Centre support.8217 Unlike most local disaster response teams who are volunteers, training periodically and only showing up when there8217s a disaster, the FEMA Corps will be a paid, full time, standing army of government youth. FEMA Deputy Administrator Sarino goes on to explain, 8216The new members, who range in age from 18-24 years old, will contribute to a dedicated, trained, and reliable disaster workforce by working full-time for ten months on federal disaster response and recovery efforts.8217 In closing his announcement of the first graduating class of FEMA Corps Youth, Sarino describes his and the agency8217s vision of the future, one where 8216FEMA Corps sets the foundation for a new generation of emergency managers8217. As we detailed in the August 28 Whiteout Press article 8216History of DHS Ammunition Purchases8217, federal emergency management agencies are looking more and more like a military army every day. The federal government8217s procurement website actually lists DHS8217 requests for bids to supply it with ammunition and military weaponry. All of the orders listed in the above article, including the orders for hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition, are publicly available at fbo. gov . One look at a chart of DHS ammunition purchases over the past decade reveals a drastic spike in orders of bullets recently, totalling in the billions of rounds. Other charts available online show a similar drastic spike in the purchases of accompanying weaponry by the Department of Homeland Security. What is the US federal government preparing for And why does it feel it needs an army of brainwashed youth, millions of guns, thousands of armoured fighting vehicles and literally billions of rounds of ammunition, just to provide relief to the American people during a natural disaster Any historian will tell you it sounds more like the arming of the Hitler Youth than an army of first responders fighting forest fires and hurricanes. Forex Trading Tips: 10,000 Hours The latest Malcolm Gladwell book Outliers should be a must read for anyone who trades. Mr. Gladwell studied the backgrounds of many extraordinarily accomplished people from all walks of life and found that the reason for their success had far less to do with their innate talent and far more to do with their circumstances and their work ethic. One of the most fascinating insights that Mr. Glawell offers is that the time of your birth can be a far more important factor in your overall success than any other variable. From Canadian hockey players all born between January - June (early birthday gives you a huge advantages in your youth when body development and coordination skills are most pronounced) to computer entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Bill Joy and Scott McNeally all born in 1955 (the perfect year to take advantage of the personal computer revolution that came on line in the middle 19708217s) to superstar corporate lawyers all born in 1930 (who came of age just as mergers and acquisitions were becoming the norm of American business) -- when you were born was more important that who you were. 8212821282128212--Top 5 Stories in FX This Week82128212821282128212- But lady luck was not the only factor necessary for achievement. Skill, honed by 10,000 hours of work was the other crucial component of success. Talent was needed to be sure, but it was really a baseline. Any reasonably bright person could qualify. The key was developing your skill set, and the dividing line between those who were good versus those who were great was 10,000 hours of practice. Whether you played violin or programmed a computer or practiced corporate law - your did not achieve true proficiency until you had 10,000 hour under your belt. For us as FX traders Gladwel8217s findings are great news. We happen to live at the best possible time for trading as technology has eliminated almost all the barriers to entry. Transaction costs are low. Execution speeds are measured in milliseconds. Dissemination of news has become much more efficient. And every year the market sees steady improvement in all three areas. Meanwhile the field is still new (there are only 500K retail FX traders across the world vs. millions of equity traders) and full of possibilities. But to succeed we must continually practice. Think of what it means to have 10,000 hours of trading time. That8217s 50 hours per week for 4 years straight before you can truly feel proficient at the game. Next time you feel like you want to quit in despair, just remember this figure and remember what unites every successful person throughout history -- they never give up. Mensaje de navegacin Serving with Musical Gifts The Youth Trumpet Taps Corps is a service organization for high school trumpet players who use their musical gifts to honor military veterans. Our main project is volunteering to sound Taps at veterans funerals when a professional military bugler is not available. Out of respect for service to our country, we feel that veterans8217 final honors are more worthy of a live rendition of our National Song of Remembrance. Wreaths Across America8482 (WAA), the national nonprofit best known for their annual wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and more than 905 locations nationwide 8211 See more at: wreathsacrossamerica. org about mission-vision On. Calling all Tulsa area high school trumpet players Youth Trumpet amp Taps Corps provides free training and support for high school trumpet players interested in sounding Taps at veterans8217 funerals. We are now recruiting high school and college trumpet players from across the country. After you sign. The Department of Defense Military Funeral Honors program calls for the funeral director to request. A video clip showing a raised podium caving in as Cord leaders, including Raila Odinga add. A video clip showing a raised podium caving in as Cord leaders, including Raila Odinga add. Leer ms raquo See Vera in short hair during Easter brea. Vera Sidika sure knows how to work her8217 Ksh 400,000 weaves8217. She has pulled of. Vera Sidika sure knows how to work her8217 Ksh 400,000 weaves8217. She has pulled of. Leer ms raquo Where is Morris Mwenda now. Street kid w. Y8217all remember Morris Mwenda, the 8216opportunity street kid8217, who touched. Y8217all remember Morris Mwenda, the 8216opportunity street kid8217, who touched. Leer ms raquo Pics of Eric Omondi8217s epic Australi. Eric Omondi has been touring Australia this long Easter Weekend, The tour started on the 2. Eric Omondi has been touring Australia this long Easter Weekend, The tour started on the 2. Read More raquo Wangechi finally opens up about the accid. Two years after that fateful road accident that claimed one of her closest friends Tiona. Two years after that fateful road accident that claimed one of her closest friends Tiona. Leer ms raquo CJ Willy Mutunga Easter tweet that will a. Early Friday morning Chief Justice Willy Mutunga took to twitter to wish Kenyans a happy. Early Friday morning Chief Justice Willy Mutunga took to twitter to wish Kenyans a happy. Leer ms raquo King Kaka drops new song(Check out who he. King Kaka is definitely one of the greatest rappers we have in Kenya right now. He has gre. King Kaka is definitely one of the greatest rappers we have in Kenya right now. He has gre. Leer ms raquo Watch Out: Teeniez Set To Invade Nax Vega. Easter means the end of the 8220new8221 year and the beginning of some appetising ru. Easter means the end of the 8220new8221 year and the beginning of some appetising ru. Leer ms raquo , , , . , , , . , , , . 171-187, , . 171 187. . , . 8212 , . , , . 8212 8212 . -, , 8212 , , . , , . 1 865,86 0,04 1 865,86 . Raquo 2016-03-25 13:08:00 IV , . Raquo 2016-03-25 12:34:00 4 . Raquo 2016-03-25 12:26:00 , 8:30 . Raquo 2016-03-25 11:30:00 IV 2,4 IV . Raquo 2016-03-25 11:30:00 IV 1,6 IV 1,6 . Raquo 2016-03-25 11:30:00 IV -8,4 IV . Raquo 2016-03-25 11:30:00 1,4 , 1,4. Raquo 2016-03-25 11:01:00 I 19,8 I 19,8. Raquo 2016-03-25 11:01:00 6,2 Raquo 2016-03-25 11:01:00 100 100 . Raquo 2016-03-25 09:39:00 7- 7-. Raquo 2016-03-25 09:15:00 IV . Raquo 2016-03-25 08:23:00 4 4 , . 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Don8217t take this the wrong way, but I discovered a lot through everything that I8217ve gone through mostly, I loss control of my money. From that point I recognized the wrong doings that I had established. Eventually, after a long time of systematic training, I slowly brought excess revenues out of my hard work. These are some ways that will aid you to cut your process of acquiring skills short if ever you desire to gain knowledge from forex trading. 1. Process of Acquiring Forex Trading Knowledge. I am confident that gaining knowledge about forex trading is of the essence. It is a fact the forex trading is a technical division of play. You must acquire the fundamental hold of pays and forex conditions before you start this process. Take for instance these conditions: bid ask spread, pivot point, stop order and ask and bid price, etc. When you decide to begin educating yourself on forex trading, you can be able to take courses on forex trading there are also available tutorials online therefore, you actually don8217t require for finances at this stage. By the time you have engaged in a little forex trading in the market, you will have the right knowledge to enroll to moderate to expert forex trading courses like the forex mentor course. 2. Little Forex Simulator or Forex Account If ever you are a first-time trader, I extremely suggest the use of a forex simulator. You can browse the web for financially free forex simulator. I suggest that you should open up a small forex account after having acquiring it. By the use of this small forex account, you can now be able to begin you journey on trading actual money as small as 100 US dollars. The reason why you don8217t have sufficient funds to open up a forex account is because their lowest rate is generally 5000 US dollars. Losses at these point are lesser since Little forex accounts an regular forex accounts function similarly. This is a great time of acquiring knowledge and arriving at the wrong choices. To cutting your experiences and losses short, you must apply the 2 advices stated above about forex trading. Hundreds of distinctive popular taste for the cause of forex exchange amount of charge in an FX trading commodity. Compared to other kinds of trading such as: goods or stock trading, this is the more durable and it is best specified. A forex graph is helpful to show visibility of an existing popular style and persists there for a specific period of time. For an individual who could possibly see, ahead of time, the popular style, then that person will soon produce a lot of benefits. It is the perfect line to several forex traders were led to 8220deliver goods8221 to the forex market. A person will be able to go towards this popular style in a time unless there is another fresh style that comes out. No one can have the power to determine a foreign exchange trading for a period of time. Some instances might be possible when a bank of a certain country or some huge banks that exists today is capable of causing the foreign exchange amount of charge, yet, they can only maintain it for a short period of time. No possible special data or skillful market handling. Thus, without being scared, a person could be able to trade. Yet, most of the time, a person is accused of being dishonest in stock trading or whatever sort. In the area of forex trading. an individual should always put in their mind to focus his attention on several main currency sets and plain technical abilities. A trader in the field of forex should not be dwelling about the 72 goods or the 8000 stocks plus any kind of trading regulations which go with markets. The Forex Market is represented as not complex. Doubts came to rise about the performance as well as the safety of the market. As the market is marked to be not complex, industries were able to dispose appealing technologies. This forex trading software is intended to be mini and not complex. The most sophisticated feature of this online forex trading would be the its leverage. By the help of this function, you can be able to take hold of a great level by merely a few measures. By the leverage ratio provided, 100:1 and 1,000, a person could be able to take hold over 100,000. If there is a possibility that a person will drop off money, they could not drop off over 1,000. A trader can cut down the financial fall backs ahead of time before setting aside the profits gained for construction. Through this process, you will be gaining a lot of potential profits in the forex market. Some other advantages of the forex trading would be the less acquisition it requires. While starting to trade, you will be able to gain knowledge about forex trading in no time. As a beginning, you can work with small forex trading. In this process, you can begin with a lower rate of 50 for a time of 5 minutes. You are not required to give out money in currency trading. Through as bid spreads, a forex boxer builds his charges. In a span of 24 hours a day, and 6 days a week, you will be able to finish forex currency trading. You cannot find any market in town which offers the same service. An individual could decide for his personal work and hours of work. A person isn8217t obligated to beginning and ending bells. Each information that we gave are simple ways to make online forex trading to be sophisticated and free of complexity. Discovering and understanding how to day trade in the forex market could be an incredibly complex chore if ever you haven8217t taught from an educated expert who has been conducting day traded having advantageous outcomes for a long time. Day trading is probably the most famous method of hypothesize trading nonetheless this doesn8217t denote that it is simple, and those requirements that should be studied from a person who has been involved in the company and accomplished triumph. The day trading forex market could be an extremely profitable method to trade if you study from the appropriate individual even though it8217s hard. The compensations of getting day trading education in a real trading area are countless and must never be disregarded. Having the background on how to trade by an existing forex trading spot would suggest you with the existing trades that consent you to receive lead of the impulsiveness supplied at the period of the dynamic time in the forex market. Since trades are preparing and recounting, this may perhaps be the most excellent techniques to become skilled at for the reason that you are truly learning in definite time. By means of having been educated from a skilled forex day trader in actual time you would be acquiring a chance into how a skilled trader considers and what travels inside their brilliant minds when they are trading. This is mostly similar with the 8220on the job8221 training the forex trading education in an actual forex trading place would significantly widen your awareness of market dynamics and the details integrated in forex trading. One of the immense benefits to acquiring day trading education in an actual forex trading spot is that you will be conscious on the ways of how to trade prior the truth. Almost all trading procedures or courses educate you in observation, or following the truth, gaining knowledge on how an expert trader assumes and do things in actual market situations is tremendously worthy instrument. You will as well get numerous additional worthy bits of details through trading forex in an actual trading space, few of these involves emotion management techniques, and money handling, which the two are very significant to a long period forex trading accomplishment. There is actually no advance method to obtain forex training other than in an actual forex trading place. Be assured that you acquire a source that gives you continuing teaching and not simply a signal facility. You will know important trading techniques and access and outlet ways that you can do by yourself that is why it significant for your long term achievement that you obtain your forex day teaching education from an actual trading place in this method. Having been trained on the methods to trade from a real day trading place could be one of the largely priceless investments you ever done in your forex preparation. Gaining knowledge from a qualified, expert forex day trader is the finest method to obtain if ever you seriously want to turn into a permanent time forex day trader yourself. A fine forex trading machine must allow the forex trader to accept incomes, regulate loses and even follow their obstructions. In a different thought, further than merely being cost-effective, the automatic forex procedure must as well heightened his marketing coverage in earning times and minimize marketing publicity in failing times. How to handle money from in automatic forex trading is so important because of the following explanations: 1. Capital Preservation A forex trader that has no idea on ways to safeguard trading capital is assured to lose it. There are a number of forex machines that simply let you trade an order. Even if they are in the state of depletion, there are just a small number of people knows how to secure a trader8217s capital. An excellent forex machine must have the skill to own trading limitations that permit the forex trader to protect his capital when there is a time that the market is not in cycle with the automatic forex procedure. 2. Having an Adequate Capital An excellent forex machine must as well guarantee that the trader has sufficient capital to trade the procedure is added on how to protect your capital within decelerate forex trading times. There is nothing more absurd than a forex trader involving in a trade with no enough capital. It is the same when you go in a fast food chain having no correct cash to purchase a burger. The undercapitalized forex trader would possibly waste whatever trading resources they may own in their bank account earlier or later on. A good quality automatic forex system would siren you to the circumstance. 3. Setting Goals that8217s Reasonable A good quality forex system would comprise strategies on how to handle money that would consent the forex trader put rational forex trading purposes. Forex trading is gainful venture however nearly all traders sacrifice if they won8217t succeed trading income objectives that are unlikely. A forex trading machine would permit the forex trader to include a rational anticipation for their trading relying on the amount of capital they own and as well the presentation of the machine. 4. Predetermine Some Loses When attempting to find a way out in a failing trade, there are a lot of times a forex trader become immovable. Finding a way out on success as soon as possible and finding a way out is a lot hard is popular for the fore trader. Traders cling on to a failing situation in the anticipation that it would rapidly go in their approval. My extremely first time trades included of failing trades with a number of 100 bids while my success were in their youth. A high-quality forex machine would make certain that this will never arise and finding a way out on your trades at given intensity therefore allowing you to preserve your trading capital. Permitting the forex machine decide on when you ought to find a way out in a deteriorating trade is perhaps one of the very noteworthy explanations to utilize automatic forex software. These fine traders have a regimen to attach money handling methods more than ever when trading automatic forex procedures. I have comprehended that my greatest working forex machines have every money handling methods integrated to them. Beyond the period, yet an average forex machine turns into an extremely gainful with fine money handling strategies. Engaging in forex trading is what several American citizens are having interests. But before you can take this into action, you must obtain a forex trading education. If you are not educated on forex trading, you must not ever engage in forex trading. You could be creating your road to generate great net income with an appropriate forex trading education. The real definition of a forex trading must be comprehended first. Forex is considered to be the minimized term for foreign exchange. A contemporary interchange of a single currency of a country to the other country8217s money is what forex trading is considered to be. You could really earn a net income through making this into action at appropriate times. Helping you to learn on how to make this is what a forex trading education does. Comprehending the marketing environment is the very first portion of having yourself educated on forex trading. There is a constant alteration of the merchandise of forex trading. When having yourself educated on forex trading, for your advantage, you are capable of learning on how to manage these alterations. The second portion on having yourself educated on forex trading is to comprehend regarding the supervision and manipulation of risks. You will be able to know how to manage yourself and to never have an extreme investment at the thrilling feeling of the opportunity to generate cash. How to leave the lost trading before your losses will surpass your limitations could also be taught and learned by you and you would know how to break your lost investments as well. You would often suffer the loss of cash when you are fresh in forex trading. This portion of having yourself educated on forex trading is essentially important for you to learn as if you would be generating profits or generating losses. The other significant portion of having yourself educated on forex trading is to know how to make and control your forex trading account. When educating yourself on forex trading you must be practicing first with an account for demonstration. Through having a practice on forex trading with a playing money, you would know the techniques through this means. It can be as practical as the legitimate ones and there are no visible risks engaged. You must learn as well to be aware when you are prepared for the legitimate ones when educating yourself on forex trading. Making use of a real forex trading account is now possible after doing that. There are several means for you to have an education on forex trading. The most excellent way to have yourself educated on forex trading is through the internet. There are several complimentary sites accessible that can have yourself practicing on forex trading since you can access a complimentary account for demonstration. There are complimentary workshops or discussions as well that are accessible at some times. To have advices coming from a person who is an expert forex trader is the most excellent thing you must do. They could provide help for you to humbly understand the main topic of forex trading. Now will be your time to go and seek for an excellent forex trading education because you are already packed with some ideas regarding forex trading in this moment of time. But never hurry yourself, just take it slowly. You must be aware that there are several cash engaged in forex trading. It would be excellent to never overtake yourself. New Mexico Youth Conservation Corps Application deadine for YCC Crew Trainer Positions EXTENDED The application deadline for Crew Trainer positions with the Forest Stewards Guild Youth Conservation Corps has been extended to Wednesday, March 30th. To apply, email a letter of interest, current resume including education, work experience, and three work-related references to mattforestguild. org with the subject line YCC trainer application or mail to: Forest Stewards Guild 2019 Galisteo St. Suite N-7 Santa Fe, NM 87505 You can view the YCC Crew Trainer position annoucement here. Now hiring for the 2016 Forest Stewards Guild YCC program Do you like the outdoors and need a summer job Apply to the Forest Stewards Guild YCC program Since 1999, the Guild YCC program has provided employment and job training for youth interested in forestry and natural resource management careers. In 2016, the Guild will have six YCC crews based out of the Cuba, El Rito, Mt. Taylor, Jemez, Las Vegas Pecos. and Mountainair U. S. Forest Service ranger districts. Each crew will have six crewmembers, ages 16-19. and one crew trainer. The program will run for 9 weeks from May 31 st until July 29 th. Application procedures The Guild is hiring for both youth crew members and crew trainers. More information about the YCC crew positions is available here. To apply for a crew member position, download the YCC Crew Application and follow the submission instructions at the bottom of the application. Information about the crew trainer positions and instructions on how to apply is available here. 2016 YCC Trainer Announcement Forest Stewards Guild Youth Conservation Corps Many employers say it is difficult to find experienced local help, particularly in natural resource management. In response, the Forest Stewards Guild sponsors a youth corps program in New Mexico each summer to train local youth in forestry work. The Forest Stewards Guild Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) works in partnership with national forests in New Mexico. The mission of this youth program is to provide career training in natural resources for 16-25 year olds from areas of the state that have few employment opportunities. Through training from the Guild and working on the ground, crew members learn about forest management, fire ecology, watershed health, and wildlife ecology. Some crew members have gone on to pursue college degrees in natural resource management. This program would not exist without annual grant support from the New Mexico Youth Conservation Commission. This non-federal funding is then leveraged by the Forest Stewards Guild. Along with Region 3 support, we have received consistent funding from the National Forest Foundation8217s Matching Awards Program, enabling additional crew members to be hired. We have also received consistent funding from the McCune Charitable Trust to support a variety of administrative costs. In addition to these critical funding elements, we work to raise funds from other private foundations. The Forest Stewards Guild youth program occurs exclusively in New Mexico on National Forests. The Ranger Districts and Forests that have supported YCC crews have changed slightly over the years however the Carson, Cibola, and Santa Fe National Forests have been mainstays of the program. The Cuba, El Rito, Jemez, Las Vegas Pecos, Mountainair, and Mt. Taylor districts have been committed for many years. Forest Stewards Guild YCC 8211 by the numbers From 2009 to 2014, the YCC program has accomplished a great deal of on-the-ground work: 8226 Noxious weed removal 1206 acres 8226 Fence built or repaired 120 miles 8226 Trail built or maintained 69 miles 8226 Fire line created or rehabilitated 26 miles Dear Valued Visitor, We have noticed that you are using an ad blocker software. Although advertisements on the web pages may degrade your experience, our business certainly depends on them and we can only keep providing you high-quality research based articles as long as we can display ads on our pages. To view this article, you can disable your ad blocker and refresh this page or simply login. We only allow registered users to use ad blockers. You can sign up for free by clicking here or you can login if you are already a member. Hedge Fund - Pennant Capital Management Alan Fournier Bio, Returns, Net Worth Alan Fournier is the founder and managing member of Pennant Capital Management, a long short hedge fund. Prior to setting up Pennant Capital, Fournier had worked at Sanford C. Bernstein, and David Tepper8217s Appaloosa Management. He has also been a portfolio manager at Hagler, Mastrovita and Hewitt, and at Pzena Investment Management. Fournier graduated in mechanical engineering in 1983 from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. Natural Resources Program The Natural Resources Division originated as a grassroots stream enhancement project in the 19808217s. Today, the program continues to implement community driven projects by coordinating with private and public landowners, and utilizing local contractors and workers via state and federal funding. Our local waterways and forests are a crucial part of the delicate ecosystem that provides us with air, food and shelter. By improving stream habitat for salmon, steelhead and cutthroat trout, and by ensuring the continuity of new forest growth, the program ensures that we will be able to enjoy the magnificence of nature8217s bounty in the years to come. Mill Creek Native Plant Nursery Funded through partnerships with Save The Redwoods League, the Wildlife Conservation Board and the Smith River Alliance, Mill Creek Native Plant Nursery was built to maintain the genetic integrity and diversity of native California plants. All transplants are from local populations and a strict genetic integrity policy is adhered to. Plant materials are collected through local seed collection, stem cuttings from existing Mill Creek tree stumps, and transplants from roads scheduled for removal. This is similar to trading forex online through forex trading websites top10forex. net . We work with Del Norte High School and its Academy of Natural Resources which gives students a hands-on learning experience that targets watershed restoration and is incorporated into classroom curriculum. Through a variety of restoration projects, RHS works with the labor force through the Workforce Center, California Conservation Corps and AmeriCorps. Salmon in the Classroom The salmon and steelhead classroom incubation program provides Del Norte County youth with a hands-on learning experience about the sensitive life histories and critical habitat requirements of salmon and steelhead trout. Salmon in the Classroom delivers live eggs into 4th grade classrooms teaching students in live format the life cycle of salmonid from the egg to releasing the hatched fry into local waterways. This program is in partnership with California Department of Fish amp Game, local Del Norte County schools and the Rowdy Creek Fish Hatchery. Hijab Ban In NYSC Camps An Invitation To Religious Crisis Of Monumental Proportion 8211 Muslim Rights Group The Muslim Rights Concern, MURIC, has rejected in very strong terms the purported ban on Hijab in the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, orientation camps. The Director-General of the NYSC, Brig.-Gen. Johnson Olawumi, on Tuesday announced a ban on the use of 8220long hijab8221 by female corps members, citing security concerns. But MURIC, in a statement by its director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, said the ban is unacceptable to Muslims and accused the NYSC DG of Islamophobia. 8220The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) rejects the purported ban. It is reckless, baseless and preposterous. No public officer of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should speak in such manner. 8220The pronouncement smacks of power drunkenness. It is a hate statement. The Director General needs to purge himself of Islamophobia. 8220On what ground is he banning the use of hijab Security reason is not enough because we have examples of armed robbers using police uniforms to rob. 8220Has anyone thought of banning police uniform About forty armed robbers dressed in army uniform attacked six banks in Agbara, Ogun State last week. They killed a policeman and a pregnant woman. Should we ban army uniform because of that 8220Brigadier General Johnson and his ilk are hiding under the security challenge facing Nigeria to implement a hidden agenda, namely, to stigmatise Muslims and to embarrass our daughters and wives who wear hijab. 8220Is General Johnson aware that female Muslims in the British police use hijab on top of their uniform Can he tell us how the hijab disturbs a corper8217s uniform 8220Does the DG know that hijab is an integral, nay, the most vital part of a female Muslim8217s dress Does he know that female Muslim corpers feel as if they are unclad when disallowed from using the hijab Is he aware of the psychological trauma such female Muslim corpers go through 8220How can we spend a lifetime training our daughters to dress decently and you dehumanize them in your camp within 24 hours How dare you 8220We affirm that we will use every constitutional means to stop this religious apartheid against Muslims in the name of discipline and regimentation. 8220Why must Muslims face persecution everywhere in Nigeria Why can8217t the Nigerian system accommodate and integrate the Islamic culture Why can8217t Nigerian officials allow Islamic landmarks to stand pari passu with British colonial and Christian culture 8220Is Nigeria truly independent or is it a banana republic created to serve only the interest of the British imperial masters Must Muslims be forced to accept British Christian mode of dressing 8220We must ask who designed Nigeria8217s school uniform Who designed the army and police uniforms Was it not the British What is the religion of the British Is every Nigerian in the same faith So why can8217t we allow the Muslims to retain their identity Why can8217t the Muslims enjoy religious freedom in this country 8220Why must Muslims be forced to dress like Christians Why must Muslims be denied the dividends of democracy Any policy that fails to carry us along is exclusive. Nigeria is for all of us. We reject an NYSC that promulgates anti-Muslim decrees. 8220We remind the DG that he cannot turn Muslims in NYSC camps into slaves. This is not military rule. NYSC officials, including the DG will be acting ultra vires if they take actions which violate the laws of the land. 8220Section 38 (i) amp (ii) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guarantees religious freedom. We seek the enforcement of this right. 8220Yet the hypocrisy of the system has been exposed. Can the NYSC Director General explain why the NYSC allows female Muslim corpers in places like Kano and Sokoto to use the hijab while their counterparts in the South are harassed and intimidated 8220Why this double standard Is the ban only meant for the South Or is it further proof of the mythological 8216Northern-Muslim and Southern-Christian dichotomy8217 It had better not be. 8220We hope it will not get to a point when Nigerian Muslims will decide to opt out of the NYSC service year. Yes, we may have no other option than to ask our daughters to ignore an institution which targets them for ridicule, torment and persecution. 8220MURIC charges the NYSC to revisit its rules. Any aspect of those rules which fails to respect the faith of Christians, Muslims or traditionalists should be expunged. Such rules are draconian and counter-productive. They only serve the interest of neo-imperialists. 8220We appeal to the National Assembly to save Nigerian Muslims from annual embarrassment in NYSC camps. Our daughters are being derobed in public courtesy of a system that is blind to sociological realities, a system that has allowed itself to be enslaved by the culture of the colonial master. 8220We call on the Director General of the NYSC to desist from precipitating a religious crisis of monumental proportion over the hijab saga. Nigeria has enough on its hands already. The DG should stop stirring the hornet8217s nest. 8220We insist that Nigerian Muslims cannot be intimidated. Nobody should test our will. Nigerian Muslims have the capacity to mobilize for peaceful protests in all NYSC camps across the country if the molestation of our daughters continue. Enough is enough. 8220We did not bargain for an NYSC that has been hijacked by religious bigots and Muslim-haters 8220MURIC has a duty in loco parentis to cry out against the persecution of female Muslim corpers. They are our daughters and also our members. We charge all Islamic organizations in the country to rise to the occasion. 8220We cry out to our mothers-in-Islam in the Federation of Muslim Women Associations of Nigeria (FOMWAN), the Criterion and all other female Muslim organizations. It is taboo for a woman to ignore her child8217s cry Muslim women arise, the slave masters are dragging our daughters in the mud. 8220We advise female Muslim corpers to continue to use their hijab. It is their Allah-given fundamental human right. 8220We are keeping a tab on those unscrupulous elements who will snatch the hijab from the heads of our daughters or those power drunk officials who will expel them from NYSC camps. 8220Perhaps the time has come to revisit the whole gamut of this NYSC affair8221, Mr. Akintola said. Online Forex Trading Gaining Ground in Ghana on February 1, 2016 Mr Kojo Dougan of Interpay (an online payment platform) and also the president of the Ghana 8211 South-Africa Business Chamber, despite his busy schedule, still finds time to trade Forex online. He is actually an avid trader and has been trading for the past 18 months. This is an example of how Forex trade has caught the attention of some Ghanaians. Dougan says he started online forex trading with only 100 US but now he does several transactions in a month. Online Foreign Exchange (Forex) trade has become very popular in Ghana not only among the financial institutions or wealthy individuals but also average Ghanaians who are ready to grasp the huge financial opportunities it offers. Increasingly, the number of individuals showing interest in the online forex trading business keeps increasing day by day in Ghana. According to Forex Academy, an Accra based forex training institute, the sector, although new in the country is attracting a number of Ghanaians not only in the capital but across the length and breadth of the country. The academy claims that the number of people it had trained in the last two years has been very encouraging though the actual figure was not given. This trend, the academy says, is due to the fact that forex trading is very flexible 8211 easy techniques, very little capital required, access to the global market (wide options) and an avenue to earn additional income from the comfort of one8217s home or office. This market involves buying and selling of currencies at determined prices and is said to be the most traded financial market in the world. 5.5 US trillion is estimated as the average daily volumes on the forex market according to AITE Group8217s (a research firm in USA) recent report titled 8220THE GLOBAL FX UPDATE8221. This dwarfs the biggest stock exchange market in the world, New York stock market, with a daily turnover around 50 US billion. Some traders in Ghana who are very active on the foreign exchange market have explained that the market is filled with benefits and it8217s about time more Ghanaians embrace it to unleash the full benefits to the populace and the country as a whole. Dougan8217s story is one that resonates with several young enterprising Ghanaians today. David Apinga, a media practitioner is one such person. He has been trading Forex as a part time activity for 2 years now. 8220I got introduced to online Forex trading on campus in 2010. I came back to Accra, enrolled with Forex academy and started trading right away. 8220He said David says he doesn8217t spend much time on trading platforms but upon market trends or a piece of news on the market, he sits behind his laptop and does some transactions. Even as a part-time trader, with a trading account of 100 US and trading size of 0.5 cents he sometimes earns between 40- 50 US per day. 8220I am very happy to have discovered another means of earning additional income.8221 He expressed his joy. Dougan sees the importance of forex trade far beyond personal gain but more as a means for economic benefits. He explained how Ghana can benefit economically if forex trading is encouraged in the country. 8220It is an opportunity to the economy because in Forex trade we deal in foreign currencies so whoever gains, takes his winnings to his country. Just imagine 5000 Ghanaians gaining US 100 each and injecting this amount into the country economy,8221 he said. Moreover, he believes it can be an alternative way to address the worrying unemployment situation in the country. 8220It can create employment opportunities where a graduate can be self-employed. He can trade, get the experience and even open a firm to employ other people as well. We need to do more sensitization and encourage the youth. Government can even integrate Forex trading as a youth employment program,8221 Dougan says. Though the current trends show how foreign exchange trade can impact positively, it however has its negative side. Globally, statistics indicate that a significant number of all new forex traders lose their entire invested capital within 3 to 4 months from trading startup, only few traders actually made some fortune from Forex. On that note, Dougan advised potential traders to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in trading and also start with small capital to avoid huge losses. Despite online Forex trading being a significant part of global business it remains highly unregulated in many countries. With Ghana gradually growing the sector, Forex traders are split on the issue of regulation. Some argue that regulation is necessary while others completely disagree. Whatever the case may be, Forex trading is certainly an area worth taking a critical look at. We are Arizona Conservation Corps Arizona Conservation Corps (AZCC) operates conservation service programs across Arizona that empower individuals to positively impact their lives, their communities and the environment. AZCC has program offices in Flagstaff and Tucson. Arizona Conservation Corps, a program of Conservation Legacy, aims to continue the legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s. AZCC is focused on connecting youth, young adults and recent era military veterans with conservation service work projects on public lands. Our programs promote personal growth, experiential learning and an ethic of natural resource stewardship while incorporating the guiding principles of community, dedication, challenge, integrity and FUN The Urban Corps of San Diego County is a certified local conservation corps and charter school whose mission is to provide young adults with a high school education combined with job training and community service in the fields of conservation and recycling, which will assist youth in becoming more employable while protecting San Diego8482s natural resources and instilling the importance of community service. Click the image to view an informative Flashreg video about the Urban Corps. What is the Urban Corps and how do we help San Diego County Urban Corps is a locally-based nonprofit conservation corps that provides a high school education and green job training to young adults ages 18-25. The majority of youth employed at Urban Corps did not succeed in a traditional high school setting and they have little or no job training. At Urban Corps they get a second chance to go back to school and develop new skills, while contributing to the overall quality of life in the San Diego area. Their participation increases the connection these young people feel to their community, their environment, and to their own futures. When they care about all three, it benefits us all. Urban Corps is proud to have served more than 10,000 youth since 1989. A New Beginning for At-Risk Youth166 Visit the Sustainable Experience kiosk to take a tour of our green campus, view our live solar data, and see the future of clean energy thanks to support from our community partner San Diego Gas Electric174. Visit the Sustainable Experience kiosk to take a tour of our green campus, view our live solar data, and see the future of clean energy thanks to support from our community partner San Diego Gas amp Electric. Learn how you can go green with energy savings tips. Take control of your energy bill and learn how to save money with tips from SDGampE. Or order a FREE Energy Efficiency Kit from SDGampE. Member, San Diego Chamber of Commerce Member, East County Chamber of Commerce Member, California YouthBuild Coalition Member, YouthBuild USA Member, California Association of Local Conservation Corps (CALCC) Member, BIA of San Diego County Certified by the California Conservation Corps Provisionally Accredited by Corps Center of Excellence to be 21st Century Conservation Service Corps (21CSC) Licensed General Contractor 972059 Licensed Landscape Architect C-27 Landscape Contractor EPA Lead Safe Certified Firm 28548 Urban Corps is an Equal Opportunity Employer Search our site: Copyright 169 2016 Urban Corps of San Diego County. Todos os direitos reservados. Mailing address: P. O. Box 80156 San Diego, CA 92138-0156 Street Address: 3127 Jefferson Street San Diego, CA 92110 Phone: (619) 235-6884 Toll-Free: 855 SD Corps Fax: (619) 235-5425 Gambia: Kartong Youth Release And Forex Micromanaging By Jammeh Ah No, no, no8230 Mr. Jammeh, you should now COMPENSATE the youths for being tortured, footing medical bills, legal fees and transportation costs of parents going around looking for loved ones. YES Mr. JAMMEH, you SHOULD PAY damages as well. After paying the said compensations, you should immediately STOP the sand mining activities until the AMBIGUITIES are resolved. Finally you should also STOP all sand mining activities throughout the Kombo Coastal Area until the environmental and revenue matters are SORTED out. Failing which, you are breaking the laws of land and as such calling for more TROUBLE. The Climate Change meeting going on in Paris right now should open your eyes and minds to the environmental impacts which supersedes any financial benefits. On the forex front, Jammeh issued a directive since last October to have the local banks list out the names and companies shipping forex to pay for foreign transactions. Jammeh is effectively monitoring who ships what and for what purpose. Jammeh is effectively doing the job of the Central Bank. As such, since Jammeh is sick and does not work and is busy on his political propaganda tour has NO TIME to clear files on his table hence the STOPPAGE of forex shipments rendering congestions at the ports, demurrages charges accruing at the port, transportation and labor movements at a standstill, ALL of which will increase the prices of goods and services for the consumers. Jammeh8217s micro-managing the forex is costing the country a lot. Over to you8230 Gracias. Written By Baboucarr Bojang KARACHI: The military establishment came up on Thursday with a message which suggested that the 8220Karachi operation8221 was not going to end anytime soon as the Rangers-led exercise was 8220free of pace8221 and 8220there is no doubt that it would continue till the achievement of its target8221. The fresh resolve came from the Karachi Corps Commander Lt Gen Naveed Mukhtar while addressing the passing-out parade at Pakistan Rangers, Sindh8217s Training Centre and School and where he briefly focused on 8216Karachi operation8217, its results so far, challenges and future line of action. 8220There is no doubt that the Karachi operation would continue till the completion of its target,8221 an Inter-Services Public Relations statement quoted Lt Gen Mukhtar as saying. 8220The targets of the Karachi operation are free of pace. Pakistan Rangers would continue to play its role to provide security to the people of the province. I appreciate the contribution and cooperation extended by the people as we have to move forward together towards the fearless destination.8221 The corps commander8217s thoughts came a week after Army Chief General Raheel Sharif 8220vowed to go to any length8221 for peace in the city apparently in a clear message that there would be no let-up in the actions under the 8220Karachi operation8221. The army chief had demonstrated his commitment during his visit to the Corps Headquarters Karachi where he met heads of intelligence apparatuses of the armed forces, the corps commander and the Sindh Rangers chief. He commended their efforts for peace in the city only two days after announcing that he would retire on the due date. As political circles and media are often seen debating the issue of extension of special powers to Rangers in Karachi, the statements and announcements from the military establishment hardly carry any doubt about their plans to continue with the exercise for the city8217s peace which has been restored to a large extent. The Thursday8217s address by the Karachi Corps Commander is seen in the same context as just two days after a three-month extension in special powers to Rangers, he clearly hinted that the operation could go to any extent without considering pace and time limit. 8220On one hand, many successes have been achieved during Karachi operation, on the other revival of hope is crucial part of this all exercise,8221 he said. 8220We have to assure that atmosphere to people of Karachi where they are free of any fear and carry only sense of protection. The credit to successful operation in Karachi goes to officers and soldiers of the Pakistan Rangers, Sindh. They have played key role for restoration of peace.8221 While praising Rangers, he said the paramilitary force was known for its bravery and its contribution for a strong and peaceful society was recognised by every segment. 8220Now you are no more an individual. You are an institution now and your every act would represent this institution,8221 he said while addressing the passed out soldiers. Published in Dawn, February 5th, 2016 Comments (0) Closed Trading Wisdom and Quotes While retail forex trading is a relatively new phenomenon, on the institutional level it has been around for many years. Furthermore, there are similarities between all financial markets, so those that have been traders for a long time have developed their own wisdom. Much of this wisdom is contained in some inspiring quotes. Some of this advice may seem like common sense, but letting it really sink in can offer newer traders a moment of truth that can bring about a profound improvement in the way they view the market, and as a result, in the way they trade. The trend is your friend - perhaps the best known trading adage of all time, it is meant to remind traders to always identify the prevailing trend, and never to trade against it, but rather wait for retracements and then enter trades in the direction of the trend. The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent - The way the market reacts to certain news or events may not seem rational at times, but there is no sense in trying to fight the market - it moves where it moves and does not care one bit about your opinion. A fool and his money are soon parted - If you are not smart about where you put your money, you will most likely lose it. The trading rules I live by are: (a) Cut losses, (b) Ride Winners, (c) Keep bets small, (d) Follow the rules without question, and (e) Know when to break the rules. - Rules are important, but following them blindly does not necessarily lead to success. Know which conditions produced those rules in the first place, so that when the conditions change, the rules can too. Amateurs Focus On Rewards. Professionals Focus on Risk. - Experienced traders think first about how much they can lose on a trade, base their calculations on that, and then see if they are happy with the potential reward the trade offers. Novices usually do the opposite, blinded by the allure of quick riches. Mortgage Broker to Australia8217s Youth: Give Up Life, Fun, Holidays8230 Buy an Overpriced Home By Lindsay David, Australia, author of Print: The Central Bankers Bubble. founder of LF Economics: Last week, Ayda Shabanzadeh, managing director of a real estate consulting and finance broker in Brisbane, wrote an op-ed in which she tells the younger generation of Australians this: Gen Y wannabe property buyers need to stop complaining about being priced out of buying a home. As good as a Greek getaway would be during their summer, Europe8217s not going anywhere anytime soon so you don8217t have to blow cash that could go towards a property. Who wants to have fun in Mykonos when they have grey hair and three kids Lets be a little realistic. Hardly any first-time homebuyers today are getting into the property game without their parents blowing a huge chunk of their life savings in order to help their kids come up with a measly down payment for a house. I8217m very sorry Ayda, but if you are a managing director of a property consulting and finance firm (helping Australian8217s load up on debt) and are advising young Australians to give up their youth and sunny holidays in order to get into the real estate market at these prices, I sure as heck hope you are also advising clients of the potential risks involved in buying real estate and the financial risks to young homebuyers if they cannot repay their mortgage8230. And how life sucks when you are in your early 208217s, stuck at home having dinner with your parents on a Saturday night whilst all of your friends are out making the most of their youth. I know the previous generation of Australian8217s were not stuck at home watching 8220Hey Hey is Saturday8221 with their folks whilst buying property at a younger age. And I8217m sure that across the nation that the overwhelming majority of property advisors and financial brokers have absolutely no clue how to assess the macroeconomic headwinds that are arriving at Australia8217s doorstep. There is a reason the younger generation of Australians are not buying property. It8217s too expensive, their wages aren8217t growing, and it makes no sense to mortgage their life away when they could have a better quality of life by not buying property in this current market. The ability of a first-time buyer to buy a house today has very little to do with their own ability to save. Either their parents pony up the cash or they rent. And as for the holidaying in Mykonos, it8217s a whole lot more fun to be there over the European summer months than it is being stuck paying a hefty mortgage for an unaffordable run-down suburban dump miles away from the central business district in a host of property markets that have now flatlined. Including Ayda8217s hometown of Brisbane where there is a good chance that the cost of maintaining a highly leveraged property outpaces by a significant margin the actual appreciation of the price of the property. Or lets look at another Queensland town8230. Emerald, where the bubble has already burst and house prices have fallen by roughly 200,000 (40) over the last three years. Now there is probably some young Emerald resident who listened to one of Ayda8217s industry counterparts and is now stuck paying down a mortgage that is significantly higher than the current price of the property itself (mortgage under water). And the friends of that young Emerald resident, who are not stuck with a mortgage, have actually profited from not buying property and going instead to Mykonos and partying their brains out. They8217ll come back to Emerald with a hangover and the chance of later buying their mate8217s underwater house at a 50 discount whilst telling him about the great time they8217d had in Greece. I believe it is imperative that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) change the rules to limit the ability of a financial or property advisors in Australia to also be a financial broker of home loans. There is simply too much commission flying around for property advisors to give proper advice. By Lindsay David, Australia Boom to Bust Blog. author of Print: The Central Bankers Bubble 8220Nobody predicted the crash8221 of iron ore. Ha Read8230 Australia8217s Bad Bet on China Mensaje de navegacin Visin de conjunto Why Youth 2 Youth: Partners 4 Peace TALK openly about violence, aggression, and bullying. Mtpredictor forex review, easiest online trading. On Twitter 50.2 Facebook 48.9 Delicious 0.9 Score 86. 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Hi All, Have spent quite some time looking over some software know as MTpredictor was wonderingif anyone here has used this willing to give a review of it easiest online trading: Forex Peace Army is your Forex Market Guardian with FREE vibrant Online Trading Forums, AutomatedForex Trading System Tests, and Forex Broker MTPredictor. 227 likes 1 talking about this. Elliott Wave software for trading stocks, commodities, futures and forex website. Put call parity options trading: ParabolicSAR forex system indicator and Parabolic SAR expert advisor 12 6 1-2-3 ElliotwaveSystem with bonus 36 4 10 Pips every clicks combined with iTREND. MTPredictor,6.5,MT4,and, MTPredictor, for, Ninjatrader,6.5. Forex Candlestick Pattern Indicatorv1.5. Your Review Note HTML is not translated Meet David J. Walker Entrepreneur David J. Walker Although David Joshua Walker grew up in the small town of Belfair, Washington, he never lost hope He had the ambition to become a successful entrepreneur. His entrepreneurial experience started way back when he was 10 years old, when he designed his first online text based game. With time, the game grew in terms of specifications, as well as membership. In addition, David hired experts to code various sections of the game in an effort to enhance its performance and graphics. This idea formed the basis of his entrepreneurial quest as a technologist. David8217s Life Altering Events Certain events have helped to shape David8217s entrepreneurial and leadership skills. These events have influenced immensely what he has become today. First, graduating from high school imparted him with considerable knowledge to step into the world. Soon after high school, David joined the Marine Corps where he was stationed at Okinawa, Japan. This was a crucial step in his life as it took him to level where responsibility was well inculcated, not only for his own welfare but also for the welfare of others in the society. That is, it helped shape his attitude towards others, taught him the importance of service to the society and perseverance. His time as a Marine has served to develop and strengthen life-enriching values that have really come in handy in David8217s entrepreneurial endeavors. Key among them is the tenet to never lie, cheat or steal. With these values, he is able to run his enterprises with utmost honesty and thus gain trust from customers, which translates to high customer attraction and retention. Moreover, he ensures that his clients receive the right quality of products that they desire. These values are not extended to customers alone, but also to every member of the society. David is an American expat that still lives in Okinawa with his family and is presently pursuing a Master8217s Degree in Business Administration at University of Maryland University College, which will definitely enhance his entrepreneurial skills. Career Objectives of David J. Walker David8217s career objective is to have a secure financial future, and realize multiple opportunities for investing in the society he inhabits. His professional goal is to work hard and tirelessly with a 8220never say die8221 attitude, to achieve his career objective optimally. The most significant achievement that David is proud of is the fact that he has built a successful company that employs many people who are in charge of different sections of the his company with great employees. In as much as the company acts as a source of David8217s income, it has also created employment for many others, which is a source of fulfillment for David. His joy is to ensure that he create as much employment as possible especially to the youth. Lt. Gen Lewis 8220Chesty8221 Puller Having a mentor or a role to look up to is highly beneficial for every entrepreneur. As a technologist, David8217s role model is Bill Gates who, through innovation and consistency, has maintained the brand image of Microsoft despite the market volatility characterized by less life span of technological ideas and products. Additionally, he does not have the level of education as most of his peers and rivals, yet he is just as successful as them. In leadership, his role model is Lewis 8220Chesty8221 Puller who was a successful Lieutenant General of the Marine Corps as evidenced by numerous operations and awards that he won. For instance, between February 16 and August 19, 1930, Puller led five successful operations engagements against large numbers of bandit forces with superior armory. The Philosophy of David J. Walker An entrepreneur must have a philosophy that he rides on when operating his businesses the philosophy helps the entrepreneur to remain focused on his goals. David8217s philosophy has always been never to give up no matter the circumstance, or the position that he finds himself. At times when his businesses are not doing well, this philosophy has enabled him to turn their fortunes around by having faith in what he does. As a result, David focuses on doing things that will assist in improving performance than contemplating on negative aspects. The same attitude enables his employees to keep faith in their duties and this collective effort further improves his firm8217s performance. David8217s Past Forming his Future Further, David8217s leadership and entrepreneurial skills were developed by various roles and circumstances that he has been involved with in his childhood, school and post-school life. As a child, he fancied helping his parents in household chores among other duties, which helped to develop his humble demeanor. Such humble approach to life has helped him become affable with his employees, an aspect that has improved their commitment to the firm8217s vision. David8217s school life enhanced his ability to interact with different people and attitudes. This is crucial when dealing with customers. His time as a Marine has also had a significant impact on these skills. He underwent three months of training aimed at developing leadership skills, followed by a tour of duty in the Marine Corps meant to solidify the impact and outcomes of the training. The training also enhanced his leadership characteristics, offered him soft skills that are necessary to motivate employees in the modern-day work environment. From such experiences, David learned the value of treating people with the utmost respect, a trait that has helped foster better relations with employees and customers at DJW Network, LLC. DJW. Net specializes in taking ordinary domain names and turning them into passive income producers with a low investment and high return, specifically four letter domain dot com names that can be made into an acronym. In addition, we have a portfolio of our own that we maintain in for the success of DJW. Net8217s operations, this includes TYVM and IIJM. DJW DJW. Net Home Forex Forum is a forum for forex, stocks and commodity traders. Is It Just Me Or do you think so too A website where we can share our similarities or find our differences. Thank You Very Much (Insert name here) for (insert comment here). Everyone needs to be praised, thank someone today NicheWebsites is utilized to develop minisites for our passive income portfolio. E07 is used for their excellent search engine optimization on our portfolio. Article Writing Service Article Ninja8217s are used time and time again for creating unique content for the maintenance of our portfolio. Tia Wood Is used for her amazing talents in creating memorable logo designs for our websites. Cry the beloved youths Posted by :Lestimes Posted date. November 7, 2013 In Big Interview Comments Off on Cry the beloved youths By Tsitsi Matope MASERU 8212 Priority should be given to programmes that build the capacity of young people to become the drivers of economic development in Lesotho, the Acting Director for Youth in the Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports and Recreation, Matseliso Letsie said this week. Talking tough in an interview on Monday, Letsie said various stakeholders should understand the country8217s future would be doomed if there are no multifaceted interventions that would ensure meaningful empowerment and development of the youth. The department, which classifies the youth as anyone between the ages of 17 and 35, says it is concerned by high levels of poverty among young people and yet responsive efforts do not all reflect the urgency required to ensure a bright future for the country. Letsie explained that weak support systems that are ineffective when it comes to tackling the challenges faced by the youths have given birth to some of the social ills associated, generally, with young people. She said while some youths are blamed for committing crime, prostitution, drug and alcohol abuse and abortion, these should also be viewed as signs of systems failure on the part of all stakeholders who are supposed to participate in preventing and reducing vulnerability. Letsie said the ripple effects of having young people who are incapacitated to participate in the development of the country are devastating and costly. This, she explained, is seen from the amount of pressure exerted on various government departments and other support organisations. Large numbers of those affected by HIV and Aids, she said, would mean large spending in the health sector while high crime incidence would also mean big budgets for the police, the judiciary and correctional service. These factors, she added, would also generally have a negative socio-economic impact. 8220It really pains me each time I come across young people struggling to make anything meaningful out of their lives. 8220I feel responsible for their hopelessness because I know my department should be doing more 8211 but also as a department, we need the crucial support from both the government and more so, the private sector to turn the tide and make provisions that could help improve the lives of the young people.8221 She said high unemployment among the youths is a result of failure to put in place adequate measures that support quality skills development and create entrepreneurship financing opportunities. 8220We are at the cross-roads and the route we opt for would determine the future of this country. If as a people we choose to ignore the challenges of the youths, we should then be prepared for the consequences that can further impoverish our society.8221 She said the way forward was to ensure proper coordination of all youth programmes to avoid duplication of efforts. 8220We also need to financially strengthen the current youth development programmes to make them more responsive to challenges, beef-up the numbers of youth development officers in the districts and at the same time, amend the National Youth Policy of 2003 to bring it in line with current demands.8221 She explained currently, there is only one youth development officer in each district and these operate with very limited resources. 8220Our structures should reflect an inclination to the advancement of young people. At the same time, it is also important that we have clauses in our National Youth Policy that can stimulate the participation of the private sector to take responsibility and also become part of the solution.8221 She said for many years, there has been a disturbing trend that has seen some stakeholders pledging support for youth development but with other ulterior motives. 8220Meaningful interventions are those that can provide economic independence and not expose young people to exploitation.8221 She emphasised the need to seriously confront challenges through a review of youth development programmes. 8220We need to take stock of our current programmes and gauge their effectiveness. Let8217s ask ourselves: How many young people are economically independent as a result of the training programmes we are offering under this department What are the standards of qualification and is that good enough to help them become independent Would we want our own children to get such training If the answer is not positive, then it8217s time we make some good changes.8221 She said her department, through the Ministry of Gender, is currently implementing the National Volunteer Corps Programme, which attaches graduates from various tertiary institutions to various government departments and the private sector for a year. The programme, which has been funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since 2009, seeks to address challenges faced by many graduates who fail to get employment due to lack of experience. Letsie said the graduates are paid an incentive of M2 000 per month with the hope that after a year, they would have acquired the necessary experience and would be incorporated in the organisation, since their contracts are non-renewable. 8220However, this is not always the case and that is our biggest challenge in this programme.8221 She explained that currently more than 5 000 youths have registered for the volunteers programme and some have also registered with the Public Service. 8220Currently 625 volunteers are working at various organisations.8221 Letsie said another programme, the Youth Employment, provides the youths with entrepreneurship skills for them to have capacity to start and run sustainable businesses. 8220The aim is to provide skills that can help young people create decent employment and promote social cohesion. We believe an empowered youth is a progressive movement that cannot be easily badly influenced because they are hungry.8221 She said many young people are eager to start projects but lacked the start-up capital. 8220We had hoped that the Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme launched last year, would have a component that supports youth development but later we realised that the majority of our young people do not qualify for such support.8221 She said the establishment of a Youth Development Fund could be one of the immediate solutions to the current lack of projects financing. On the other hand, the Young Ambassadors for Positive Living is yet another programme targeting high school students. Under the programme, 10 resource centres were established in all districts and 120 youth leaders were employed. The youth leaders provide various training in the areas of HIV and Aids, anti - alcohol and drug abuse and also computer literacy. The leaders are paid an incentive by the Global Fund while the Commonwealth also supports some components of the programme. 8220The resource centres are a positive start but we still need to do more to ensure the services reach out to all young people. We should also add components that realistically address poverty in this programme.8221 She said a boost of the Social Compact Programme to ensure meaningful participation of the youth in food production can also help alleviate poverty and improve food insecurity. 8220This programme oversees the training of young people in various agricultural technologies and practices and also ensures they access inputs such as seed and fertiliser. We have established greenhouses at the districts resource centres of Berea, Qacha8217s Nek, Quthing, Mafeteng and Mokhotlong. Through our youth development officers in those areas, the youth can utilise these facilities.8221 The programme, which experienced some inputs hitches last year, is expected to resume this farming season. Campus Connections ( formerly known as Campus Corps ) Campus Connections ( formerly known as Campus Corps ) is a multidisciplinary service learning course at CSU where undergraduate students serve as mentors to youth. Students from over 65 different majors work one on one with youth ranging in age from 11-18 who are referred to Campus Connections from our community partners within the juvenile justice system of Larimer County, local schools, community agencies, and directly from families. Student mentors spend four hours once a week with their mentee in a group setting to provide academic support and career planning, encourage positive social skill development, assist with goal setting, and implement wellness programming. Strong bonds are developed over the 12 week program between mentors and mentees. Graduate students and experienced mentors serve as mentor coaches to provide support and guidance during Campus Connections. Click here to download the Campus Connections - Did you know presentation. How is Campus Connections different from other mentoring programs Campus Connections ( formerly known as Campus Corps ) was developed in response to an identified community need to better serve youth. Through an ideal university-community partnership between Colorado State University and the Northern Colorado community, Campus Corps provides mentoring to youth, ages 11-18, in a structured, intentional multi-level mentoring community. Youth who are at risk of not reaching their full potential due to individual or environmental risk factors are referred to Campus Corps and matched with an undergraduate college student enrolled in a service-learning course. Doctoral-level licensed MFTs direct and supervise the program along with Masters-level family therapist instructors. Utilizing highly-trained experts in systemic and therapeutic interventions, Campus Corps creates an environment in which each mentor-mentee pair is nested within a small mentoring group, known as a Mentor Family, where the youth are of similar ages. This unique feature of Campus Corps allows youth to positively interact with their peers while benefiting from their primary adult mentor and the community of caring adults within their Mentor Family. Because Campus Corps is located entirely on a college campus, youth experience firsthand the possibilities of education and the importance of learning. Campus Corps is grounded in evidence-based practices for youth mentoring and is conducting rigorous research to maximize the intervention effects. Through this research program, we are developing, testing, and disseminating our unique contributions to youth mentoring nationally. For more information, please click the corresponding link: Campus Connections recruiting new mentors for fall Campus Connections, formerly known as Campus Corps, is recruiting new mentors. It is a multidisciplinary service-learning course (HDFS 470) that involves. Campus Connections - new name, same mission Formerly known as Campus Corps, the Colorado State University-based mentoring program, Campus Connections, recently changed its name to better represent its. When Colin Harris was growing up, he struggled with anger management issues and running with the wrong crowd. He found a. FOREX: Nigerias Economic Catastrophe From Godwin Emefieles Prison Economics A most respectable and ingenious Nigerian big businessman, Leo-Stan Ekeh has just predicted the collapse of 99 of Nigerian businesses will be by March this year. 161Guauu It was clearly coming, but by March Though I am not an economist, I have lived and traded long enough to know that Godwin Emefieles Prison economics leads to only one thing: economic collapse and catastrophe. Is he doing this on purpose to prompt riots and turmoil to bring down Buhari or is he doing this by desperation The real reason is not as important as the impact regardless. Punishing Nigerias employers for the sins of Jonathan and Godwin past is certain to destroy the country and end this regime. The CBN Forex restrictions have been employed most harshly on Small businesses. Godwin convinced Buhari as was heard from his media chat that giving Forex access to Industry(large) was the way to go. In my opinion, Godwin simply planned to save his friends while tanking the Nigerian economy and leading to the largest nation-wide job loss cataclysm in recent history. Permit me to quote from my last weeks article on how these policies are a sham: Big industry are owned of course by the Cabal many such Cabal looted billions of Nigeria8217s national earnings to establish their companies but punishing them for this is not even the issue. The issue is that big industry is the small employer of labor. This is a known fundamental fact of economics especially in the developing world. SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) is the largest employer of labor. The companies that you and I run we are the people that employ 75 of labour in Nigeria. It is the same in India, China, Malaysia, Brazil and so on. SMEs across the world employ anywhere between 70 and 80 of labor. The so-called big industries only employ a tiny fraction of labor. Developed societies have actually moved from 8220manufacturing goods8221 to service economies. Lot8217s of such services are provided by small and medium enterprises who are being starved of dollars. The strict and partial moves being employed by the current administration in these trying times are very risky and may implode the nation before they possibly alleviate the crisis and before they may yield the needed returns. Thousands of small and medium enterprises are folding across the nation due to the shortage and denial of foreign currency. Nigeria has not yet developed its manufacturing sector and a significant amount of SMEs depend on various completed and partially manufactured materials from abroad. These businesses are unable to get access to their raw materials, tools or traded products. The implication is catastrophic. And Godwin Emefiele knows this. We do not manufacture yet as a nation and we cannot substitute for that in a day. You cannot force the building of a robust non-dependent economy by suddenly forcing the people with Prison economics. By stopping Nigerians from using their own money to purchase raw materials, marketable goods and services abroad and canceling the legitimate rights of people to take their profit and earnings where they want, you will discourage economic growth, and indigenous and foreign investment. Godwin Emefiele while he gave the looters suitcases of billions of dollars has since Jonathans time step-wise harshly monitored and restricted the capacity of small entrepreneurs. Those who read my writings know that I have tracked Godwins colonialist economic enslavement moves at every turn and warned of their implications. We are today finally at the point of literally zero economic freedom and no access to foreign exchange. Prison economics is complete and now feel the pain. Dr. Peregrino Brimah E: drbrimahends. ng T: EveryNigerian Also on Naija. Live online radio I am sure this man is still there because his cup is not yet full. At the fullest of time, he must give some answers to Nigerians I don39t know what President Buhari is waiting for before sacking this man. His policies are not wise especially the restrictions Barry EFCC should question CBN governor over his involvement in Dasukigate. What is wrong with you guys now We don39t have the fucking forex They are trying to manage what39s on ground. We have drawn down our external reserves to 29b yet the outlook in the international oil market is that of doom and gloom. Ask yourselves, if they remove the restrictions, where are we going to get the forex to service all demands What is wrong with you guys now We don39t have the fucking forex They are trying to manage what39s on ground. We have drawn down our external reserves to 29b yet the outlook in the international oil market is that of doom and gloom. Ask yourselves, if they remove the restrictions, where are we going to get the forex to service all demands Since d president has prepared 2016 budget, we r looking forward to a better year. Universal Robina Corp. reports robust income growth on back of higher operating income, increase in market valuation, and forex gains The Gokongwei-controlled Universal Robina Corp. one of the country8217s largest branded food product company, reported a 47-percent jump in its net income for its first fiscal quarter ending December 31, 2105 to P4.8 billion. Universal Robina began operations in 1954 manufacturing corn starch under the name Universal Corn Products Inc. The company has since gone into the manufacture and distribution of branded food products, hog farming and even into renewable energy. Universal Robina is the dominant player in the savory snacks business, candies and in the ready-to-drink tea market. Universal Robina generated P30 billion in revenues in the quarter ending December 31, 2015, more than 80 percent of which came from its branded consumer foods group that brought in P24.7 billion. Its packaging business generated P315 million in revenues, its agro-industrial group brought in P2.3 billion in sales, and its commodity foods group raked in P2.7 billion. Domestic sales of its branded consumer foods group account for more than half the company8217s total revenues at P15.7 billion while international sales of the branded consumer foods group brought in P9 billion in revenues. The company said its branded food group8217s international operations reported a 19-percent increase in net sales during the period, with top line growth coming in from Vietnam, Indonesia and New Zealand. In Vietnam, strong growth was seen in its ready-to-drink beverage business, specifically C2 and Rong Do while Piattos and Cloud 9 crunch drove sales in Indonesia. Universal Robina expanded its reach in New Zealand and Australia with the acquisition of Griffin8217s Foods Ltd. a leading snacks player in New Zealand that carries the brand names Griffin8217s, Cookie Bear, Eta, Huntley amp Palmer8223s, Nice amp Natural, and Chip Off the Old Block. The purchase cost Universal Robina 608 million. (Eileen A. Mencias)

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